Junior female ice hockey players; behavioural strategies in training process




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2018, pp.18-20

PhD, Associate Professor G.K. Biserova1
N.G. Gaifullina1
1Yelabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University, Yelabuga

The study was designed to analyze the junior female ice hockey players’ behavioural strategies in the training process. Due understanding and control of such strategies is indispensable for success of training systems in the individual athletic resource mobilization and development aspects. Modern psychology analyzes at least five basic behavioral strategies, namely competition, cooperation, compromise, avoidance and conceding. We believe that a high priority shall be given to the competitive and cooperative behavioural patterns development initiatives for competitive success of junior players. Cooperative behavioural strategies are considered the most beneficial for the competitive teamwork, while a high competitive spirit is paramount for victory in team sports. Having analyzed the behavioural patterns of the 7-9 year-old boys and girls, we found some differences. Objective of the study was to rate and analyze variations in the junior female ice hockey players’ behavioural strategies in the training process. Subject to the study were junior (7-9 year-old) female (n=20) and male (n=25) ice hockey players. The hierarchy of behavioural strategies in the junior players was found largely gender-unspecific in the following classes: 1 – competition; 2 – cooperation; 3 – compromise; 4 – avoidance; and 5 – conceding; with the competitive and cooperative strategies ranked dominant. Statistically significant differences in the behavioural strategies were found only in the compromising and conceding strategies more developed in girls and correlated with a variety of personality qualities including patience, tranquility, dependence, prudence, care and gentleness. The study confirmed the prior assumptions on variations in the behavioral strategies in the junior female athletes.

Keywords: behavioural strategy, training process, ice hockey, junior female ice hockey players.


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