Volitional qualities as individual success factor in team sports




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2018, pp.9-11

PhD, Associate Professor G.R. Shagivaleeva1
PhD, Associate Professor О.М. Shterts1
PhD, Associate Professor G.K. Biserova1
1Yelabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University, Yelabuga

Subject to analysis in the study were the individual volitional qualities and motivations for success in the modern team sports. Sports are ranked increasingly high by the modern communities, and athletes are expected to demonstrate a variety of personality qualities for success including willpower, determination, initiative, self-reliance, stress-tolerance and self-control to meet challenges and demonstrate success in their sport careers. The empirical data mined by the study showed that athletes tested with high willpower are generally highly motivated for success, demonstrate great competitive spirit and strive to win. Objective of the study was to analyze the personality volitional test rates versus the success motivations in team sports. Subject to the study were junior athletes (n=60) whose personality volitional qualities and success motivations were tested. The study found age-specific variations in the volitional qualities and success motivations; and a data correlation analysis under the study demonstrated the volitional qualities being ranked among the key success factors in the modern team sports. Meanings of the statistical differences in the data arrays were rated by the Student t-criterion; and the Pearson's linear correlation coefficient was applied for the data correlation analysis.

Keywords: willpower, volitional qualities, athletes, sport activity, success, ice hockey players.


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