Social education project to build competency for physical education and health service in future education teachers


PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Tatiyanina1
E.N. Ivanova1
Postgraduate А.А. Ozerov1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev, Saransk

 Keywords: physical education and health service, physical education and health competency, social education project.

Background. In the national education system a high priority is being given to the future education specialist competency for physical education and health service to comply with the education policies pursued by the government, with a special emphasis on the initiatives to protect and improve the schoolchildren’s health. The valid Professional Educator Standard (regulating the educational services of teachers in preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education systems) with its list of job responsibilities for “education service” includes the responsibility to mobilise the educational resource of the students’ sporting agenda to help them build up habitual healthy and safe lifestyles and culture [4].

Analysis of the available study reports on the subject has identified a few well-grounded and tested study findings (by V.K. Bal'sevich, I.M. Bykhovskaya, M.Y. Vilensky, G.P. Vyzhletsov, L.K. Kruglova, L.I. Lubysheva, A.D. Novikova, V.I. Stolyarov et al) applicable as a basis for the modern physical education teacher training process. It should also be noted that the analysis of the study context showed that the modern junior physical education concept tends to give a growing role to the non-special physical education tools in the regular educational process, with a special emphasis on the idea of the health-building education model. This model is essentially designed to “make a shift in the physical education priorities from the traditional “authoritarian” model to the children’s and junior harmonius physical training and sporting culture and sporting lifestyle promotion and building initiatives” [1]. This concept is referred to as the so called sportizated physical education or sport-for-all model [2].

A vast majority of the modern researchers believe that the modern physical education and health service must be designed as a special social service model with the individual physical and intellectual abilities being mobilised and matched to protect and improve the students’ health standards, with the sporting activity being appreciated by the communities. Thus, the future education specialist competency for the physical education and health services to students is presently ranked among the key components of the professional educational process. The competency may be described as a set of motivations, values, senses, knowledge, skills and practical experience to apply, rethink and develop these capacities via the professional reflexion process.

The study analyses and substantiates benefits of a social education project to develop competency for the physical education and health services, with the project designed to introduce students into a “special physical training and sporting environment providing due motivations and impetuses for individual progress” [3]. The gradually cultivated enthusiastic individual attitudes to mental, emotional, social and physical health viewed as the top-priority spiritual, ethical and social value – help accumulate the valuable cognitive, practical and reflexive experience of the future education specialist”.

Objective of the study was to identify and analyse the educational process provisions for the social education project to build due physical education and health competency in future non-physical education teachers.

Methods and structure of the study. Tests and experiment under the study were performed at Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev (MSPI) and Secondary General Education School #24 in Saransk. Subject to the study were the first-to-fourth year MSPI students majoring in Teacher Education discipline with its Foreign Language: English, Foreign Language: German and Russian Language: Literature specialties.

The article presents data and findings of the first fact-finding stage of the experiment designed to rate the primary competency of the subjects for the physical education and health services to the schoolchildren. For the purposes of the study, the subjects were split up into Experimental and Reference Groups, with each group tested to rate the primary competency for the physical education and health services using the relevant values-and-senses, needs-and-motivations and performance-and-reflexions rating criteria. The resultant test data arrays were classified based on the relevant qualitative parameters into the following three levels: low, average and high.

The rating tests were designed using the following methods: L.N. Kabarova’s Questionnaire Survey based on the Y.A. Klimov’s idea on professional personal priorities; adapted version of the Rokeach Value Survey designed to rate the individual values and priorities by a set of terminal and instrumental rating criteria; M.S. Gutkina, T.I. Shalavina and S.N. Chistyakova Survey Method to type the individual values and priorities; and the M.Y. Orlov’s Questionnaire Survey to analyse and rate the key needs and motivations of the subjects. The test data generated by the above methods plus findings of our empirical survey methods (including monitoring, discussions and interviews, with their findings coming in no conflict with the above test data) made it possible to come to the following conclusions.

Subjects tested with the low primary competency rates were found to: fail to understand the high value of health for them; develop a habitual healthy lifestyle; have no need in the academic physical education service; and believe they have no need to bother with the physical education and health services to school children in their future professional careers since it is the responsibility of the relevant school Physical Education teacher. Furthermore, this group of respondents was diagnosed with serious shortage of knowledge and competency for the physical education and health services to schoolchildren; in fact they were found to have neither basic understanding of the physical education and health services missions nor an idea of what methods, tools and models need to be applied for productive cooperation with students in this education domain.

Subjects tested with the average primary competency for the physical education and health services were found to have a fair basic knowledge in the physical education and health service domain. However, they were tested with insufficient motivations and, hence, they prefer acting only as required by the relevant regulations or instructions being fairly capable of applying the standard health improvement methods including, for instance, the ones they used to fulfil specific practical missions in their educational practices. It should be mentioned that this group of respondents is normally unprepared to take an initiative and design and manage the physical education and health services on their own discretion. They fail to understand the high value of these services as they usually still have a long way to go to their own healthy lifestyle.

Subjects tested with the high primary competency for the physical education and health services were found to have well-developed values-and-senses-driven own health agenda and sensitive attitudes to their future students’ health. The subjects falling with this category appreciate health as a basis for their high working capacity, positive emotions and high physical fitness. This group of respondents was found to have profound and stable knowledgebase; interest in and motivations for the services; determined in application of the modern health technologies and well aware of their benefits; prepared for taking an initiative; and highly motivated for accumulation of the personal practical experience in the physical education and health services to school children.  

The future education specialist competency for the physical education and health services was rated by the above tests and surveys as follows: low level competency was found in 51.61% of the RG and 50% of the EG; average level competency was found in 29.03% of the RG and 32.26% of the EG; and the high level competency was found in 19.36% of the RG and 17.74% of the EG subjects. 

Study results and discussion. Variations of the test rates at the fact-finding stage of the experiment showing progress of the subjects may be attributed to the basics-building stage of the study with the relevant process design and management activity. This stage was intended to test the educational provisions identified in the study including the external (objectively existing) and internal (implying progress in motivations, values, senses, priorities and attitudes of the subjects); the provisions required to secure success of the social education project designed to build the future education specialist competency for the physical education and health services to schoolchildren. For this purpose, we developed a set of research missions for the Experimental Group based on the practical experience of MSPI in communal projects to improve the academic physical education and health services, including the Volunteer Practices Project; Bad Habits Prevention and Control Project; GTO Complex Standards for Schoolchildren Project etc. [6].

The research missions were intended to build and improve cognitive, operational and reflexive experiences in the future education specialists involved in the Health Teacher Social Education Project. The Project idea was to help the future non-physical education teachers revise their values, senses and priorities to successfully develop their professional background in the modern physical education and health services with the relevant content, models and technologies for success of their future professional service [5].

Conclusion. Success of the education initiatives to develop competency for the physical education and health services in a future education specialist must be secured by at least the following educational provisions: the future non-physical education teacher should understand how important the modern future education and health services are for his/her individual professional education career; he/she must build the relevant theoretical knowledgebase and practical skills to freely apply the physical education and health service models and technologies with the relevant design and content to attain the process goals; and be able to design and implement the relevant off-class social education projects in the physical education and health service domain to attain the clearly set research and educational process goals.


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  2. Lubysheva L.I. Konversiya vysokikh sportivnykh tekhnologiy kak metodologicheskiy printsip sportizirovannogo fizicheskogo vospitaniya i «sporta dlya vsekh» [Conversion of sports high-technology as methodological principle of sportized physical education and "sport for all"]. Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka, 2015, no. 4. P. 6.
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  4. Professionalny standart «Pedagog (Pedagogicheskaya deyatelnost v doshkolnom, nachalnom obschem, osnovnom obschem, srednem obschem obrazovanii) (Vospitatel, Uchitel)» (Prikaz Ministerstva truda i sotsialnoy zaschity RF ot 18 oktyabrya 2013 # 544n [Professional standard "Teacher (Pedagogical activity in the preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (Educator, Teacher)" [Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n]. Available at:
  5. Tatiyanina T.V., Ozerov A.A. Sotsialno-pedagogicheskiy proekt «Uchitel zdorovya» v formirovanii kompetentsii lichnostnogo samosovershenstvovaniya buduschego pedagoga [Social education project design for personal self-improvement competence formation in future educators]. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury, 2016, no. 8, pp. 100-103.
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It is the modern social order that determines the need for the modern education specialist to be highly interested and determined in the professional competency and skills quality improvement efforts with a special emphasis on the quality of physical education and health services. These services are designed to protect and improve the schoolchildren’s health and help them cultivate habitual healthy lifestyles. Modern schools are in need of education specialists capable to prudently design and manage the children’s learning process with due priority to the humanistic aspects and values of the modern physical education designed for health and physical progress on the whole.

The modern approach to the academic education curricula design and content makes a special emphasis on the social and individual progress in appreciating values of the future professional education service on the whole and its health-building aspect in particular. Success of the service in case of the future non-physical education teacher may be secured by a well-developed individual social-and-professional resource that determines the content and quality of their physical education and sport services in the Sports-for-All format.

The relevant education issues need to be addressed by the most effective ways, methods, tools and models to build due competency in the future non-physical education teachers to make them competent for and efficient in the efforts to protect and improve students health. Social education project may be offered as one of such models giving a special priority to the social dimension of the process.

The study considers and rates potential benefits of a social education project in forming due physical education and health competency in the future non-physical education teacher services to schoolchildren, conditional on the relevant external and internal education process provisions being put in place.