Academic physical education and health service to develop socially important qualities in future physical education teachers



Dr.Med., Associate Professor V.P. Vlasova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Neyasova1
O.N. Karabanova1

1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev, Saransk


Keywords: physical education teachers, academic physical education and health activity, cultivation of socially important qualities.

Background. Presently the national academic education community is giving a high priority to initiatives to cultivate socially important qualities in future Physical Education teachers. A few recently effectuated regulatory documents including the relevant Federal State Higher Educational Standards (FSHES) and Professional Educator Standard (regulating the pedagogical services provided by teachers and instructors in preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education systems as provided by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection Order of October 18, 2013) have set forth requirements to the Physical Education teacher’s competency and personality qualities with a special emphasis on the socially important qualities.

Objective of the study was to analyse the procedural aspects and content of the academic physical education and health methods to cultivate socially important qualities in future Physical Education teachers.

Methods and structure of the study. Analysis of available study reports on the subject (by T.A. Bunakova, T.A. Burtseva, I.O. Gaponov, I.G. Lukichev, I.Y. Golovina, E.Y. Dmitrieva, M.P. Dubinina, N.N. Kolmagortseva, O.S. Panchishko, N.S. Mitina) helps define socially important qualities as “the personality traits that determine the individual stand in life, social role and rank, connections in the social environment and individual ethics, values and principles [6, p. 179].

Based on a retrospective analysis and taking into account different analytical viewpoints on the subject, we would highlight the following socially important qualities of the future Physical Education teachers critical for success in their professional careers: social activity that means the active attitude to life and career; ability to perform socially important transformations using individual professional experience; expressed creativity; and efficient communication in the education environments; responsibility that may be defined as conscious attitudes to professional actions and processes including their consequences; and the educator’s ability to understand whether or not outcomes of his/her activity contribute to the relevant professional goals being attained; ability to control own professional performance; meet the relevant ethical, legal and regulatory standards and rules; act as required by the professional duties; and be accountable for own actions; self-reliance that is manifested in the ability to set and prioritise professional progress goals; attain them by own means acting with due consciousness and initiative in changing conditions that may require unusual professional solutions; and initiative viewed as the educator’s ability to consciously assume responsibility for every professional mission.

Academic physical education and health services are provided for the whole academic study period in the class and off-class formats and make an indispensable contribution to the socially important personality qualities formation process. It is the academic physical education and health activity that helps the future Physical Education teacher come to appreciation of health protection values and personal progress and learn to control own actions and behavioural patterns; that means that this academic activity is potentially resourceful in building individual responsibility as one of the key socially important qualities. The individual and group physical education and health services give ample opportunities to every student to develop self-reliant attitudes as he/she learns to control own actions; analyse their outcomes; and independently find new ways to improve the individual performance and results. Normally every student is engaged in the academic physical education and health process on his/her own discretion to develop the individual initiative and self-control abilities, with due determination for success in the process. It should be noted that teamwork in the process helps develop the individual initiative in a more effective manner. Success of the individual initiative development efforts in the academic physical education and health process depends on the internal motivations of every student; approval and encouragement of his efforts; support from the teammates; appreciation of his/her accomplishments; self-confidence level; practical competitive accomplishments etc.

Success of the efforts to cultivate the socially important personality qualities is also determined by the following educational provisions: facilitating environment for intensive interpersonal activity of the parties to educational process in the academic physical education and health domain; due material assets and equipment for the physical education and health progress of future Physical Education teachers; free access of students of every department and discipline to the academic physical education and health services; efficient and effective management of the academic physical education and health services; interactive technologies applied to support the socially important qualities being formed in the future Physical Education teachers via the academic physical education and health services.

Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev (MSPI) offers due sport infrastructure and equipment for the academic physical education and health services, the assets being accumulated by the Institute management in a staged and well-planned manner. This management policies and practices resulted in the Institute being well supplied with gyms and sport facilities including the following: the Sports and Health “Fitness University” Centre that offers modern athletic training space and equipment; the modern sport stadium “Olympic” deployed in the Institute area; and the Regional Physical Education and Healthy Lifestyle Research and Promotion Centre that designs and manages the academic physical education and health services [4]. Students of every department enjoy free access to these sport assets, infrastructure and equipment under the academic physical education and health curricula. Practical experience of the academic physical education and health services provided at MSPI was reported in a few study reports [1-4, 6]. Thus the modern sport assets and equipment help cultivate a positive world outlook, motivations, values and priorities in the students of the Physical Education Department.

The interpersonal communication in the academic educational process on the whole and the physical education and health service domain in particular is facilitated by practical support in the students’ efforts to mobilise their individual resource and potential gifts; encourage their personality development interests; and develop their ability to communicate and agree their own positions and interests with other people’s interests in the academic physical education and health process.

Interactive technologies and their efficient application are among the key provisions for the socially important personality qualities being developed in the future Physical Education teachers including the following: technologies to form motivations for the academic physical education and health activity; game technologies including team sports, active games, stretching game exercises etc.; off-class physical education and health technologies (applicable in sport groups, training sessions, sport hours, competitions, sport festivals, mass sport events, tourist walking tours and recreational events etc.); progress rating technologies applicable in the academic physical education and health process to rate overall physical development, physical fitness, motor qualities, competency for the GTO Complex tests etc. [2].

Study results and discussion. The study included a set of tests to rate progress of the future Physical Education teachers in the socially important qualities building experiment. Applied in the tests were the cognitive ability, behaviour, motivations and needs rating criteria, with the qualities rating data arrays classified into high, average and low levels. The test data showed good progress made by the future Physical Education teachers in the socially important qualities building experiment: see Table 1 hereunder.

Table 1. Averaged socially important qualities test rates of the future Physical Education teachers, %


Experimental Group

Reference Group

Prior to the experiment

After the experiment

Prior to the experiment

After the experiment

















The test data and analyses demonstrated the benefits of the above educational process provisions for the initiatives to build socially important qualities in the future Physical Education teachers.

Conclusion. The study made it possible to analyse the procedural aspects and content of the physical education and health methods to cultivate socially important qualities in the future Physical Education teachers; and offered the educational process provisions required to improve the quality of the Physical Education teachers training process by making it more efficient.


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To facilitate the ongoing reforms of the higher pedagogical educational system, the national society and government have set new requirements to the professional competency of a future Physical Education teacher. Presently national universities need to address many challenges in the efforts to build competency and due personality qualities in their graduates to be able to: face problems in their professional career, bear responsibility for decisions made; keep due communication and cooperation etc.; and, therefore, a top priority needs to be given to the sustainable socially important qualities being cultivated in the future Physical Education teachers, with the relevant quality test rates being applied with the relevant key criteria of their competency for practical education careers. The new challenges and requirements urge a variety of efficient models, tools and methods being developed in the education system to cultivate the socially valued qualities in the future Physical Education teachers, with a special priority given to the academic physical education and health service to help the students mobilise and manifest the relevant personality qualities including social activity, initiative, self-reliance, determination, teamwork, courage, willpower etc.

The study outlined and analysed the key education process provisions to encourage intensive interpersonal activity of the education process actors in the academic physical education and health activity; offer due material assets and equipment to facilitate the future education specialists’ engagement in such activity; secure free access for students of every academic department and discipline to the academic physical education and health activity; and apply the relevant modern interactive technologies to support these activities.