Distance education technologies applicable in physical culture and sports education system
P.G. Bordovsky
National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft, St.Petersburg
The recent legislative provisions by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation regulating the distance education technology application in the national education system are geared to step up the independence of the education institutions in their creative innovations in the education process including the academic physical education and sports curricula. Objective of the study was to analyze the key aspects of the distance education technologies (DET) applicable by the national physical culture and sports education system. In a DET design, a number of key aspects shall be considered including the locations of the education disciplines; platforms for the DET-driven education services; list of the education services provided in the DET format only, in partial DEF format and in a DET-free format; and exploring the potential for the DET implementation in different education process components. It is based on a multisided and comprehensive analysis of the DET system requirements; full and detailed description of the DET functionality; clearly identified pool of its potential users; and input and output data for the DET system that the system may be successfully implemented in the academic education process to meet the educational needs of the relevant groups, provide the resource required and step up the education service quality.
Keywords: education establishment, education curricula, digital data processing and education environment, distance education, information technologies, distance education technologies, physical culture and sports sector, sport education disciplines.
- Poryadok primeneniya organizatsiyami, osuschestvlyayuschimi obrazovatelnuyu deyatelnost, elektronnogo obucheniya, distantsionnykh obrazovatelnykh tekhnologiy pri realizatsii obrazovatelnykh programm. Minobrnauki Rossii no. 816 ot 23.08.2017 [The order of application by educational institutions of e-learning, distance educational technologies within curricula. Ministry of Education and Science of Russia no. 816 August 23, 2017].
- Prikaz Minobrnauki Rossii no. 816 ot 23.08.2017 [Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia no. 816 August 23, 2017].