Educational problems of higher physical education system of Ukraine and role of non-core academic physical education system for potential solutions
PhD, Professor S.I. Belykh
Donetsk National University, Donetsk
The study analyzes the educational problems faced by the higher education system of Ukraine versus competences of future university graduates; and demonstrates that the Law of Ukraine ‘On Higher Education’ is largely unfulfilled in terms of equal attention to the relevant processes. The non-core physical education is viewed as an indispensable part of a student’s background, with every student required to directly contribute to the academic physical education, health and recreation process and events to obtain a profound and versatile knowledge, good skills, due competences and abilities. The mounting problems faced by the national higher education system need to be addressed by the high-quality legislative provisions to provide due reference points for the national higher education system reforms; and by focused and large-scale studies to analyze the real situation in the Ukrainian higher education system.
Keywords: education, vocational training, Law of Ukraine ‘On Higher Education’, faculty, students.
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