Wrestling based physical education model for mental and volitional conditioning of general education school children



Postgraduate S.A. Baluev1
Postgraduate V.N. Timofeev2
1Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University, Perm
2Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of a wrestling based physical education model for the mental and volitional conditioning of the general education school children. Modern wrestling offers a great potential for self-improvement, self-expression and self-assertion so important in the school age, with good willpower developed in the practices being useful for coping with the objective and subjective challenges. Success of the willpower building process in the school lessons was found to directly depend on the individual progress in the wrestling techniques albeit the learning and wrestling skills mastering process may be challenging for many school students. The challenges in the technical training process shall be tackled starting from the right perceptions of the wrestling actions and skills being mastered. A special attention in the mental and volitional qualities building process shall be made on the natural interrelations and interdependencies of the target qualities to harmonically develop due activity, self-reliance, determination, initiative, decisiveness, persistence, courage, self-control and self-confidence in every trainee; with a special priority given to the individual discipline that shall be cultivated from the very first lessons. Modern wrestling sport helps shape up the right world outlooks; facilitate the intellectual, aesthetic and volitional progress of the young people; improve health; build up body and physical qualities and abilities; obtain a profound special knowledge; and develop good technical and tactical skills in trainees.

Keywords: wrestling, volitional qualities, mental status, willpower, trainees.


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