Integrated staged tests of football players at advanced specialization stage




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2018, pp.69-71

Postgraduate A.N. Berdnikova1
Postgraduate Alireza Hosseini Hezri1
PhD, Professor A.V. Zakharova1
S.V. Kondratovich1
1Ural Federal University (UrFU), Ekaterinburg

The study analyses design and content of the integrated staged tests of football players in the advanced specialization stage including the physical, technical and mental fitness tests. The study gives the hemodynamic test rates; functionality test rates generated by a gas-analyzer system; and the mental fitness test rates of the 12-13 year-old football players, with a special emphasis on the technical and physical fitness. The study data and analyses showed the physical fitness rates of the sample being within the age norm. Junior football players in the prime specialization stage are normally tested with high speed-strength and endurance rates. The still low MOD (maximal oxygen demand) rates of the 12-13 year olds (52.1±7.4 ml/kg/min) may be explained by the inadequate anaerobic capacities, low maximum ventilation (MV) rates (80.4±18.7 l/min), and, to a lesser extent, by the still low leg strength. The technical fitness tests made it possible to identify the key problems including the low accuracy of the passes and shots on goal. The junior football players were tested with high response and response stability rates; with 28% tested prone to emotional imbalances; 14% tested with fair emotional control skills; and most of the sample tested driven by emotions and game situations i.e. their behaviours were found the temperament- and age-specific. The study data and analyses were applied to produce recommendations on how the education and training process may be improved.

Keywords: staged tests, 12-13-year old football players; functionality rates, physical fitness, technical fitness, mental and physical fitness tests.


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