Health-protection provisions for education and training service to different population groups




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2018, pp.62-64

PhD, Associate Professor G.I. Semenova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Yerkomayshvili1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Boyarskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor S.M. Galysheva1
PhD, Professor V.N. Lyubertsev1
1Ural Federal University (UrFU), Ekaterinburg

The article presents findings of the study of health protection service to different population groups. Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of special health-protection provisions for the education and training service to different population groups. The study data includes the schoolgirls’ health self-rates; attitudes of the physical cultural university students to healthy lifestyles; and an analysis of the injury statistics in football. Subject to experiment under the study were 20 football players and 5 coaches of Ural-Mol Football Club from Yekaterinburg city. The studies of health protection service to different population groups made it possible to formulate a few general provisions for the education and training process design regardless of the trainees’ group specifics. It is the conscientious health agendas and motivations of the physical education and sports process actors that shall be given a key role in any health-protection initiative. In addition, a special emphasis in any health-protection initiative shall be made on the injury prevention component. The study proved benefits of the special health-protection provisions for the education and training service to different population groups.

Keywords: health protection, physical health, self-rating, healthy lifestyle, health index, injuries, injury prevention.


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