Peculiarities of heart rate regulation in Tuvan junior males' heart rhythm control specifics under variable physical loads




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2018, pp.49-52

PhD, Associate Professor S.K. Saryg1
Postgraduate A.D. Lopsan1
Dr.Biol., Professor L.K. Buduk-ool1
1Tuvan state university, Kyzyl

The study analyses the Tuvan junior males’ (17-21 years old) heart rate variability data versus varied physical workloads. High education and training workloads were profiled versus the environmental, anthropometrical, psychic, physiological and ethnic factors and specifics that give the reasons to consider the study innovative. The study sample was dominated by the junior males classified with Autonomic Control Types (ACT) I and III. The ACT I junior males were tested with generally lower variations in the cardiovascular system test rates versus the ACT II juniors. The high physical workloads were responded by the sample by the autonomous control strengthening and growing activity of the central control contour with the further growth of the workload. Physically inactive junior group responded to the workloads (regardless of the load factor), by growing activity of the central control contour that may be interpreted as the unspecific component of the adaptive response to different stressors. The ACT I/ II junior males engaged in body conditioning practices, ACT III volleyball players and ACT I/ III wrestlers were tested with fairly high HR variability. The body conditioning junior group and ACT I wrestling group was tested with the increased adaptive abilities; and the volleyball players and physically inactive juniors were tested with the HR variability within the conditional norm. The body conditioning group, volleyball group and ACT III wrestling group were tested with notably increased adaptation abilities; and the physically inactive junior group was tested with a vegetative imbalance as a result of the high physical loads.

Keywords: autonomic response types, heart rate variability, physical load, volleyball players, wrestlers, body conditioning.


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