Movement accuracy theory: most problematic aspects




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2018, pp.43-45

Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Lukyanenko
North-Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol

Despite the long history or research of the movement accuracy issues and the ample research materials accumulated by the science, the key theoretical basics of the movement accuracy knowledge appear to be still underdeveloped. One of the possible reasons for that is that the relevant studies still give a high priority to the extensive research methods that produce mostly quantitative rather than qualitative study data. Most popular in the research practices at this juncture is a variety of inefficient and often inappropriate test methods that are designed to rate elementary movements in artificial environments that have nothing similar to the real physical training and sporting motor skills. No wonder that such study data, data analyses and interpretations often come to totally valueless or deeply erroneous findings. The study makes an attempt to outline the present situation in the movement accuracy theory with a special emphasis on the most controversial theoretical and practical aspects that need to be addressed to improve the quality of the movement accuracy tests and analyses; and outlines the potentially most promising avenues for research in the field.

Keywords: movement accuracy, problem identification, definition of notion, research methods, prospects, research avenues.


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