Sport in social practice universe of modern civilization




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2018, pp.16-18

Dr.Sc.Phil., Professor N.M. Mamedova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.D. Gavrish1
A.V. Skatershchikova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Fomina1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The study considers modern sports as a socio-cultural phenomenon in the context of modern challenges for the human civilization. Sports are viewed as both the individual perfection and progress tool and the social institution of the civilization-building reproduction process. The study analyses a variety of sports functions in the modern social practices with a special priority to their axiological function that sets standards and guiding values of prime importance for the modern communities. The study considers corporeality as a universal cultural value; and the praxeological function of the modern sports as the self-transforming activity including the demand structure transformations as dictated by the sport axiology. Modern sports play a unique role in perfection of corporeality with no detriment for the human genetic fund. The study also found the modern sports being important for the personal and social identification. Competitive aspects of the modern sports facilitate the self-development components of highest priority in the context of the growing social success agenda. Different modes of satisfaction with sports are analysed as the forms of a free creative activity. Aesthetic function of modern sports is viewed as the way of aesthetics-driven perception of reality with the corporeality being perfected and the sports evolving into forms of arts increasingly prioritizing the aesthetic component of athletic performance in many sport disciplines. Environmental function of the modern sports is focused on the health-protection and building, healthy lifestyle formation and human nature reproduction goals.

Keywords: axiology, corporeality, praxeology, identification, hedonism, aesthetics.


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