Healthy lifestyle among priorities of Middle-Urals urban youth in context of social security




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2018, pp.9-12

PhD D.Y. Narkhov1
Dr.Sc.Phil., Professor Y.R. Vishnevskiy1
PhD, Associate Professor I.M. Dobrynin1
PhD, Associate Professor E.N. Narkhova1
1Ural Federal University (UrFU), Ekaterinburg

Objective of the study was to analyze variations in the young peoples’ behavioural models and lifestyles that are known to have degraded for the last 25 years to the self-destructive rather than self-protective models, and rate the values-driven behavioural models. The study analyses the sociological aspects and meanings of such notions as the ‘healthy lifestyle’ (HLS) and ‘physical culture’ in application to the modern regional youth communities, and the key components of such meanings. The study methods were based on the resource- and risks-focused approaches with the youth viewed as the national strategic resource with its health being pivotal for success of the social development and security policies. Subject to the study was the 14-30 year old urban population of the Sverdlovsk region. A questioning survey under the study was designed to rate the degrees of engagement in habitual physical culture, motivations and conditions for and attitudes to the physical education as a subject of curricula. The survey data were applied to rate the key risks for the personal security and exposure to the prevailing diseases. Based on the study data and analyses, the authors found the gap between the verbal recognition of the self-protection behavioural models and practical values-driven behaviours of the Middle-Urals youth being slowly but persistenly bridged.

Keywords: physical education, healthy lifestyle, youth, students, diseases, social security.


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