Mental and physical potential building process management in academic education system



PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Limarenko1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.V. Ponomarev2
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
2Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk

Academic loads and stressors are known to be of highly negative effect on the students’ overall mental and physical states. Objective of the study was to provide theoretical grounds for the mental and physical potential building process management in the academic education system and assess the proposed model benefits by an education process experiment. In the primary stage of the experiment, the mental and physical potential was analysed by four study modules to rate (1) the students’ physical fitness; (2) functional fitness; )3) physical development; and (4) obtain the relevant questionnaire survey data – to rate and profile variations of the students’ mental and physical potential. The study findings were interpreted as indicative of the need in the education process policies and practices being revised to facilitate the mental and physical potential building efforts under the physical education curriculum. The subject university was found to provide limited if any support to the mental and physical potential building initiatives; and this situation appears to be detrimental for the young people’s health and future professional careers. Therefore, the study findings have confirmed the need for further studies to develop and implement the modern mental and physical potential building education technologies.

Keywords: students, university, mental and physical potential building, academic progress tests.


  1. Ponomarev V.V., Prikhodov D.S. Obschie fizkulturnye kompetentsii shkolnika: teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty [General physical education competences of schoolchild: theoretical and practical aspects]. Krasnoyarsk: SibSTU publ., 2015, 132 p.
  2. Ponomarev V.V., Retyunskiy I.V. Formirovanie gotovnosti studentov k obschestvennoy fizkulturno-sportivnoy deyatelnosti: teoreticheskie i prakticheskie osnovy [Training students for public physical culture and sports activity: theoretical and practical basics]. Krasnoyarsk: SibSTU publ.,  2015, 190 p.