Practice-driven specialist training model for sportizated physical education



Associate Professor A.G. Polivaev1
Dr.Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva2
A.V. Shabanov1
S.S. Stoycheva1
Tyumen State University, P.P. Ershov Ishim Pedagogical Institute (branch), Ishim
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow


Keywords: practice-driven training, sportization, physical education, training model, students.

Background. Presently the physical education sportization technology is being widely applied in the national general, vocational and higher education systems. Practical benefits of this technology have been demonstrated in many study reports, with many sport disciplines and physical training systems being tested in practice of the physical education curricula [2, 5, 6]. Developers of the physical education sportization concept [2, 6], however, have pointed to some drawbacks in practical application of the technology that have been addressed for the last two decades by the PE and sport researchers. Generally, these drawbacks may be described as related to the practical educational, material, technical and staffing provisions for the sportizated technology implementation initiatives.

Objective of the study was to provide grounds for the practice-driven specialist training model for the sportizated physical education (SPPE) at general education schools.

Study results and discussion. As things now stand, a research school has been formed in the national physical education and sports system specialised in the sportizated physical education (SPE) [4]; and most of the challenges with concern to the theoretical, practical and educational provisions for the physical education (PE) sportization technology have been successfully addressed. However, we feel that more efficient solutions still need to be found to the problem of staffing provisions for the technology.

One of the key PE sportization concepts implies the physical education sessions being designed much like athletic training ones with a special focus on some selected sport discipline or a physical training system. The existing sportizated physical education models cannot be successfully implemented unless the relevant physical education specialists receive good background training in the relevant sport discipline(s) or a physical training system(s). However, the national pedagogical universities now train physical education specialists competent only in basics of some sport disciplines and not fully proficient in specific sports in fact [6, 9]. This is the prime reason for the further growth of the SPE in Russia being largely hampered by the system staffing challenges, particularly in the situation when “... the specialist training system progress is seriously restrained by the old physical education system, particularly in the former Soviet countries” [1]. Therefore, many researchers and analysts are concerned about the quality of the professional practice-centred training of future physical education specialists on the whole and SPE specialists for the general education schools in particular – that has been increasingly critical for the last decade [5, 9, 10].

A special priority needs to be given to the above problem in the context of the new Federal State Education Standards for primary, general and secondary (FSPES, FSGES and FSSES) education systems, Federal State Sport Training Standards (FSSTS) and professional standards for industrial sectors being implemented. Previously the CYSS trainer-instructors could design the physical education curriculum as required by relevant SPPE model, but now the trainers are trained for implementation of the FSSTS while the educators are required to comply with the relevant FSGES (Federal State General Education Standard) and Educator Standard. This is the prime reason why neither of the CYSS trainer-instructors can be successful enough in the personality-centred and inter-disciplinary education, despite being highly competent in the basics of the relevant sport discipline (with specific results of education process); and cannot be highly efficient in building the universal competences in the trainees as required by the relevant FSGES. Since the key provisions of the above regulatory documents are very different, specialist training for their implementation should differ too.

The above considerations gave us the grounds to state that presently the social order of the Russian higher education system is fraught with the conflict between the urgent need for competent graduates to implement the sportizated physical education (SPPE) models and the outdated specialist training curricula. Therefore, new ways to improve the physical education specialist training system need to be found to meet the growing need for the SPPE models in the general education school system.

It should be noted that responsibilities and competences of a modern sport trainer-instructor are different from those of a school physical education teacher [3, 5, 7, 8, 9]. The school physical education teacher in charge of the SPE model implementation faces the situation when “he/she has to act as a trainer albeit his/her prime goal is to cultivate an interest in the training practices and help the trainees cope with the growing physical loads rather than select the most gifted children” [11, p. 6].

The relevant study reports offer comprehensive analyses of the specific requirements to the trainer-instructor and specific training systems: for example the SPE specialist training model for the cross country skiing discipline [7, 8] with due substantiations and the relevant technological, design and practical provisions.

As required by the modern educational paradigm, the school physical education specialist training process on the whole and the SPE specialist training in particular must be designed on a systemic and practical basis in compliance with the relevant FSHES and Educator Standard. For doing that, the existing educational curricula for the future physical education specialist need to be revised to secure due design and content for the training process. With this purpose in mind, we have developed the practice-driven specialist training model for the sportizated physical education (SPE) at general education schools.

The future physical education specialist training model includes the following 4 modules: goal-setting module; content-structuring module; process module; and professional competency testing module; with this system design securing, in our opinion, the future physical education specialist’s high competency and fitness of for the SPE model implementation at schools.

To implement the above model and test its benefits, we revised the design and content of the Bachelor 44.03.05 Pedagogical Education course (including two education sub-courses) under the academic Physical Education and Life Safety curriculum. The curriculum was revised to give space for the Physical Education Sportization Module including 4 disciplines and one educational practice: see Table 1 hereunder.

Table 1. Design of the Physical Education Sportization Module




Time, hours

Progress test


Sportizated physical education (SPE) at general education school





Pedagogical physical and sport excellence (PSE) course





Children’s and youth sport theory and practice





Teaching practice





Trainer’s educational mastery course




Owing to the logics of each module the required competences of the physical education specialist for the professional sportizated physical education at a general education school can be efficiently built up. Thus the Sportizated Physical Education at General Education School module gives the basic knowledge of the design and content of the sportizated physical education at the general education school. Then the acquired knowledge and experience of the prior physical education and sport activity is applied and excelled in the Pedagogical Physical and Sport Excellence (PSE) course with the students acting as trainers in practical SPE training sessions. Later on the Children’s and Youth Sport Theory and Practice course helps the students perfect and further build up the knowledge, abilities and skills in application to the children’s and youth sports; followed by potential actual SPE practices at schools. With this purpose, the academic practices were revised to include a professional competency rating system to check the students’ competency for the practical SPE at schools. In the last semester the students were given the Trainer’s Educational Mastery Course to further improve their knowledge and competences related to the didactic aspects of the sport trainer’s activity i.e. help them excel in the specific aspects that differ the SPE-implementing school physical education specialist from the trainer-instructor specialising in some sport discipline.

Therefore, having successfully completed the module, the graduate acquires the necessary knowledge, skills, competences and motivations for successful sportizated physical education at a general education school. The competences imply the graduate being fully capable of designing and implementing in practice a specific SPE model within the frame of the specific material, technical and staffing provisions offered by the school.

It is the Sportizated Physical Education at General Education School module that may be viewed a core element of the new model and its content developed by the authors. It is important that the model may be implemented on a project education basis. At the first stage of the model piloting at some general education school, the school must be tested for staffing, material, technical, institutional and practical provisions for the SPE model implementation. The students trained under the above module must assess and analyse the school’s staffing, material, technical, institutional and practical provisions for the SPE model implementation; and then develop the key process planning documents including: school PE curriculum; yearly PE schedule with quarterly PE curricula; and abstracts (technological maps) for specific sportizated lessons of different types. Each student must act as a teacher in a test lesson designed as required by the above technological map, followed by the reflexion and educational process analysis.

Conclusion. The proposed practice-driven specialist training model for the sportizated physical education (SPE) at general education schools makes it possible to build up due knowledge, skills and competences in the graduates to make them capable of implementing the relevant SPE technology under actual specific material, technical and staffing provisions of a general education school. The model was proved efficient for the practice-driven specialist training process making the specialists fully competent for the sportizated physical education in the general education school system.


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The study considers the key issues of the practice-driven specialist training model for the sportizated physical education (SPE) at general education schools. The authors believe that the physical education specialist training at universities to staff the sportizated school physical education system may be efficient if the practice-driven specialist training model is applied with the new content (i.e. a new Physical Education Sportization module) and new practice-driven education process technologies including design, interactive training, professional competency testing and other methods).