Academic personality-centered non-professional physical education specialist training system design methodology



PhD, Professor S.I. Bellykh
Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

The study considers the topic of academic personality-centred unprofessional physical education specialist training system design methodology. Tackling the non-professional physical education specialist training system design, the author offers a values system that determines priorities of the study and secures the education being refocused on the efforts to harmonise the physical and spiritual personality development process with a special emphasis on the physical progress.
The study was based on the personality psychology theory, with the personality development approach viewed as the key doctrine and condition of the academic personality development process. The author believes that a high priority shall be given to the non-professional physical education specialist training system as a major component of the academic education system reform. In the range of potential approaches to research a top priority is given to the theoretical domain of the academic education process.

Keywords: physical education system reform, university, academic unprofessional physical education specialist training system.


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