Psychological aspects of special school education for future professional physical education career
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor I.K. Latypov1
PhD, Associate Professor Z.T. Usmanova1
1Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan
The study analyses attitudes of schoolchildren to their future professional career in the physical culture and sports sector. Subject to the study were students of special sporting classes. The study data and analysis made it possible for us to classify the students’ attitudes to the future professional career in the physical culture and sports sector as follows: socially adequate attitudes; individually underdeveloped attitudes to the professional career, with the latter individuals additionally classified into (а) individuals with selectively positive attitudes to the future professional career; and (b) individuals with passive attitudes to the future professional career. Having considered the whole range of characteristics of the selectively positive attitudes to the future professional career, we found the attitudes being dominated by the individual motivations for high social appreciation of the professional accomplishments associated with inadequate self-ratings dominated by too high expectations and beliefs in success.
Keywords: special classes, professional service in physical culture and sports sector, classified attitudes to professional career.
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