Effects of physical loads on functionality rates of men with obesity and overweight



Dr.Hab., Professor I.A. Cherkashin1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor Е.V. Krivoruchenko1
S.I. Gavrilyev2
A.P. Ularov2
1Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
2Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy, Yakutsk


Keywords: obesity, physical load, functional state.

Introduction. Obesity is the most common and dangerous disease of the 21st century, which is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, musculoskeletal and digestive disorders [1, 4, 5].  According to the World Health Organization, in 2014 every third adult (39%) aged 18 and older around the world was diagnosed with being overweight. Forty-two million children aged 5 and younger were overweight or obese in 2015: in the past 15 years this number has increased by 11 million [2]. A number of authors believe that physical load, as one of the main tools of non-drug therapy, is important in obesity treatment [3, 4, 5]. The recommended training intensity is 50-85% of VO2 max or 60-80% of the pulse reserve [3]. Research literature dedicated to the issue mainly contains general recommendations with regards to design of training sessions with individuals suffering from overweight and obesity. All of them come down to the recommendation to workout at least three times a week with a minimum duration of 20 minutes doing aerobic exercise: walking, cycling, skiing, various kinds of aerobics and aerobic simulators. Resistance training is recommended not more than twice a week [1, 3, 5]. 

Since individuals with obesity and overweight suffer from concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems as well as ventilatory insufficiency, becomes more complicated to plan physical load [3]. Design of health-oriented training mesocycles, selection of methods, tools and their ratio in weekly and monthly cycles should be proportioned strictly individually, with regard to sex, age, health and physical status as well as functional state using high precision diagnostic devices to monitor cardiovascular, respiratory and autonomic nervous systems of those training in order to obtain information about body responses to given loads, fitness indices dynamics and characteristics of fatigue and recovery processes [6].

The study objective was to determine the effectiveness of a training program designed to reduce body weight of men suffering from obesity and overweight.  

Research methods and structure: analysis of research and methodological literature and generalization of best practices; anthropometry, methods of mathematical analysis of heart rate variability using the diagnostic automated complex “Cardio+”, methods of statistical processing of results. During the examination, the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems were monitored using Oracle software that allows to conduct a multiparameter analysis of ECG; assess heart rate variability parameters; diagnose heart rhythm disorders; promptly determine functional state level including heart rate regulation analysis, autonomic balance determination, cardiac muscle status, heart rhythm disturbances if any, and psycho-emotional state. The experiment took 3 months with 5 sessions per week for males, each session 90 minutes long. There were 4 examinations – once before the experiment to identify the functional state baseline level and three times at the end of each month of training sessions. The study involved 18 men aged 35-50 years, among them 9 persons with pre-obesity, 5 with the first degree of obesity and 4 with the second degree of obesity. The research was carried out in Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy.    

Results and discussion. The proposed training program was designed based on the following requirements: individualization of the training program, physical load adjusted depending on health status and functional state level, mandatory use of aerobic and strength training, as well as respiratory gymnastics. The program includes five components: first - aerobic exercises dominated by defensive and offensive actions of Muay Thai; second - strength exercises aimed at body-conditioning enhancement; third - practices to improve flexibility; fourth - Taijiquan respiratory gymnastics; fifth - systemic analytical support and tests in the training process to obtain functional state rates, body composition, body mass indices and anthropometrical measurements, training loads adjustments based on the health status monitoring of those involved; nutrition recommendations.  

Analysis of the examination results of the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems of men with obesity and overweight that regularly performed the proposed physical activity showed a positive dynamics of their functional state that improved every month throughout the experiment (Figure 1).



Figure 1. Change in the functional state components of men with obesity and overweight under physical load throughout the experiment (group average, n-18)

The integrated heart rate regulation index was 62% during the first examination, which corresponded to the average level and indicated disorders in the regulatory system functions, expressed predominance of the sympathetic component in the autonomic heart rate regulation; high regulatory systems stress index (SI) and index of activity of regulatory systems (IARS) were recorded. IARS was equal to 4 points in 10 subjects (a condition characterized by the use of functional reserves of the body during adaptation to environmental conditions), 4 subjects had a state of expressed stress of the regulatory systems which, according to R.M. Baevsky, is associated with active mobilization of protective mechanisms, including an increase in the activity of the sympathetic-adrenal system and pituitary-adrenal system (IARS - 6), and only 4 of the subjects were diagnosed with the optimal tension of the regulatory systems. After three months of regular training sessions the integrated heart rate regulation index was 74%, corresponding to an above average level. Stress index of the subjects decreased significantly in the resting state (group average – from 430 to 114 r.u.), IARS values were within the range of 0 - 2 points, which indicates the optimal tension of the regulatory systems, the ability of the body to adapt to certain influences of environmental factors without spending the reserves, the appropriate response of the body to the impact of stress factors. During three-month-long training sessions the positive dynamics was also observed in the integrated myocardial condition indices – they increased from medium to high level, as well as in the integrated psycho-emotional state indices – they increased from medium to above medium. If at the beginning of the experiment there were people with significant and pronounced mental tension in 5 and 4 persons respectively, after three months of regular training sessions such states were no longer detected.       

The designed training mesocycle aimed at weight reduction in obese and overweight men that has been applied for three months had a positive effect not only on psycho-emotional state, myocardial condition and autonomic heart rate regulation, but also on the functional state in general, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed weight loss program.

Conclusions. Experimentally have proved the effectiveness of the training program designed to reduce body weight of obese and overweight men. Positive dynamics of the functional state and its components in men regularly exercising for three months was revealed. After the three-month training mesocycle the integrated indices of autonomic heart rate regulation, myocardial condition and psycho-emotional state increased significantly versus the baseline by 19% (р< 0.05), and the integrated functional state index increased by 21% (р< 0.05).


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Corresponding author: 706037@mail.ru, Churapcha_lena@mail.ru


Nowadays most of the world nations are concerned with the fast propagation of obesity and take efforts to find new efficient methods to reduce body weight and treat or prevent this disease. The study offers test data and an overview of an experimental training program designed to reduce body weight of the obese and overweight men. The program includes aerobic exercises dominated by defensive and offensive actions of Muay Thai; strength exercises; practices to improve elasticity and mobility of muscles, tendons and joints; Taijiquan respiratory gymnastics; plus a systemic analytical support and tests in the training process to obtain functional state rates, body composition, body mass indices and anthropometrical measurements; and make recommendations for nutrition and water regime. The study data and analyses showed benefits of the experimental training program as verified by the functional state rates of the subjects suffering from obesity and overweight. The program took 3 months with 5 sessions per week; and its benefits were verified by the growth of the functional state rates by 21% (р<0.05) and improvements in the vegetative regulation of heart rate, myocardial condition and psycho-emotional state that were tested to significantly grow by 19% (p<0.05).