Health building resource of school education mobilising based on environmental educative potential



PhD, Dr.Hab. V.K. Spirin1
PhD L.V. Smirnova2
Postgraduate O.A. Chupekhina1, 2
1Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport, Velikiye Luki
2Secondary School No. 2, Velikiye Luki


Keywords: health building resource, Physical Education lesson, sport-cultivating physical education, teaching staff.

Introduction. The contradiction between the declared socially conditioned need for the healthy and educated younger generation and the progressive increase in the number of unhealthy students is becoming increasingly evident in the modern national education, the parity of health and education of schoolchildren is violated, multidimensionality of the health phenomenon is not taken into account, and the forms of unsystematic health-improving activity of educational institutions are isolated. This brings up to date the health building resource of education through active partnership between the school staff and families on the basis of integration of academic subject areas of the Federal State Education Standards (FSES).     

The methodological foundation for organizing coordinated activities of the school teaching staff and families in solving the issues active health building of schoolchildren is based on three provisions.  

  • Internal orderliness, interaction coherence of schoolchildren, teaching staff and family on the basis of the cognitive process and motor act unity principle. Sechenov I.M. writes: “… all the infinite variety of external manifestations of brain activity is finally reduced to the single phenomenon of muscle contraction”. The principle of the cognitive process and motor act unity proposed by Sechenov determines the basis for updating the pedagogical potential of the educational environment in order to solve the issues of active health building of schoolchildren on the basis of coordinated organization of the children’s motor activity in the learning process. Maintaining the correct posture during lessons and while doing homework not only organizes the schoolchildren's behaviour and activity, neutralizes display of bad traits, but also has an associated stimulating effect on the children's physical and mental development and creates prerequisites for a coordinated summation of work results of the Physical Education teacher with those of the subject teachers.   
  • Summation of schoolchildren’s motor activity organization processes on the basis of sportizated (sports-prioritizing) physical education principles leading to formation and development of interconnections of a Physical Education teacher and subject teachers when solving the issues of active health building of schoolchildren. The tenet of physical training of schoolchildren cannot serve as an organizational and methodological basis unifying and summing up the Physical Education teacher's efforts with the achievements of the professional work of all the teaching staff in terms of creating a health building educational environment at school. There are no technologies for planning the teaching material within the framework of Physical Education lessons providing a multifold accumulation of the effects of exercises for the purposeful development of physical qualities [3]. Teaching motor actions and posture formation serve as the basis for the accumulation of professional work results of a physical education teacher with the capabilities of all the teaching staff in terms of solving the issues of active health building of the schoolchildren. This orientation of the Physical Education lessons is coherently summed up with the work of subject teachers who control pupils' posture during lessons, and thus, ensures not only that the pupil is focused on learning the educational material, but it also forms his motor skills by forming optimal conditional connections. Posture is seen as a motor skill. The appeal to the provisions of the sportizated physical education concept allows to ensure the enhancement of health building and sociocultural effectiveness of physical education, optimize the volume of the teaching material to the level of qualitative solutions of technical issues. The teaching material design technology in terms of the sports training concept contains a mechanism of teaching effects accumulation in solving educational issues at Physical Education lessons [1, 2]. 
  • Combining the school teachers and family efforts by forming the schoolchildren's movement culture based on the principles of sportizated physical education and the unity of the cognitive process and motor act. The significant teaching potential in the sports-prioritizing physical education phenomenon makes it possible to integrate the results of professional work of a Physical Education teacher with the work of the whole school teaching staff and family on a scientific basis and optimize the age dynamics of the body development, enhance its functional and adaptive capabilities, improve the children's health by forming their movement culture.

Objective of the study was to develop theoretical grounds for and test by an experiment a health building resource mobilizing model of school education based on the environmental educative potential being effectively employed.

Methods and structure of the study.  The study involved first-grade pupils of the municipal budgetary general education institution “Secondary School No. 2”, Velikiye Luki, during a school year. Muscular activity (vital locomotion teaching process, posture formation) of the subjects in the study group (SG, n=10) was organized in line with the methodological basis described above. The Physical Education process in the reference group (RG, n=10) was designed on the basis of the comprehensive Physical Education curriculum for 1st – 11th grades. The teaching material was distributed over time in accordance with the previously approved course schedule, motor actions with different coordination bases were mastered successively.   

Study results and discussion. The study group schoolchildren were characterized by the higher growth dynamics of their fitness indicators at the end of the school year. Less pupils (40%) missed classes due to illness, while this figure reached 90% in the reference group. The initial incidence rates were the same in the study and reference groups (20%). Special mention should be made of the fact that 60% of the reference group pupils failed the test – continuous run for 4 minutes (Table 1), and the indicators of the maximal movement dynamics considerably decreased during the last 15 seconds of the tapping test (Table 2).  

Table 1. Fitness level indices of study and reference group schoolchildren                                                                                                               



At the beginning of the school year

At the end of the school year

Continuous run for 4 minutes (passed/failed)



9 - passed

1- failed

10 - passed

0 - failed


9 - passed

1- failed

4 - passed

6 - failed

Forms with six congruent rectangles, three in a row, were used for the tapping test. Upon the teacher’s signal the pupils begin to make as many dots as possible starting with the very first square and moving clockwise. Each transition from one square to another is done non-stop and only by the command of the test conductor. Five seconds are given for each square. The test conductor signals “Start”, then he signals “Move to another square” every 5 seconds, and when the five seconds of dotting in the 6th square are over, the test conductor signals “Stop”. 

Table 2. Indices of the maximum movement dynamics for the dominant hand in making dots in each square



At the beginning of the school year

At the end of the school year





5 seconds











10 seconds











15 seconds











20 seconds



20.2± 1.8








25 seconds











30 seconds











Growth and development of a child are quite intense at this age, which should ensure a natural increase in the indices of the child’s psychophysical development. A decrease of these indicators in the reference group (Tables 1 and 2) during the period of morphological and functional maturation of vital functional systems does not correlate with the manifestations of the main patterns of the child’s growth and development. Little attention paid to the proper posture formation and movement technique in the reference group pupils naturally leads to the formation of non-optimal muscle and motor-visceral coordination, worsens the functioning conditions of the systems and organs. Against the backdrop of intense learning activity, motor activity with a non-optimal set of coordination interactions can be the reason for growth and development disorders, leading to a decrease in the child's functional capabilities.  

The psychophysical development of the study group pupils was carried out based on the summation of the Physical Education teacher’s work results with those of the subject teachers in terms of the correct posture formation in the school education process and of parents in terms of their child's posture control while at home. 

Conclusion. A sport-prioritizing approach to the formation of the movement culture in primary schoolchildren based on updating the teaching potential of the educational environment ensures the formation of optimal coordinating interactions between different muscle groups as well as effective moto-visceral interactions that have a regulating and stimulating effect on the metabolism and functions of the vital body systems. The obtained cumulative effect has a positive impact on the growth and development of a pupil’s body, enhances his/her working capacity and fitness level.  


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  2. Spirin V.K., Bagina V.A., Rissamakina I.A. Planirovanie uchebnogo materiala po predmetu «Fizicheskaya kultura» na osnove kontseptsii sportivnoy trenirovki [Planning of Teaching Material on the Subject "Physical Education" in Terms of the Concept of Sports Training]. Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka, 2014, no. 3, pp. 2-6
  3. Spirin V.K. Napravlyayushchee nachalo kontrolno-testiruyushchey funktsii kompleksa GTO v organizatsii professionalnoy deyatelnosti uchitelya fizicheskoy kultury [Regulative aspect of control test function of GTO complex in organization of professional work of physical education teacher]. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury, 2015, no. 6, pp. 36-39.

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In view of the significant educative potential of the sport-cultivating physical education, due theoretical grounds may be applied to integrate the school Physical Education teacher’s achievements with the efforts of the school staff and families on the whole to jointly build up necessary physical culture in schoolchildren and thereby optimize the age-specific body development processes, step up the bodily functionality and adaptive capabilities and improve health. Objective of the study was to develop theoretical grounds for and test by an experiment a health building resource mobilizing model of school education based on the environmental educative potential being effectively employed.

We developed a practical basis for the health building resource mobilizing model to employ in the school education environment, with the model success being found dependent on the internal logic and harmony of the cooperation between schoolchildren, teachers and families driven by the following: concept of the cognitive process and physical activity integrity; children’s physical activity design and management based on the sportizated physical education tenets and cooperative efforts of the school teachers; joint efforts of the school staff and families geared to address challenges of the health-building school activity driven by the concept of the cognitive process and physical activity integrity in the context of the sportizated physical education.