Cyberspace influences on modern sports development process



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2017,  pp.97-99

PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Komarova
Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude

Modern cyberspace is known to cause a variety of indirect impacts on the modern sports development process since the worldwide web offers numerous contents of direct or indirect relationship to sports. Internet environments are easily accessible, give a feeling of direct involvement in the major sport events and this is one of the reasons for the social networks being increasingly popular in the national athletic communities. Objective of the study was to make a comparative analysis of the cyber-involvement and internet addiction survey data for the athletes versus non-sporting people. Subject to the questionnaire survey under the study were 1399 people aged 18-35 years (25.32±2.55 years on average) including 568 athletes and 831 non-sporting respondents. The survey was performed using a special questionnaire form designed using the Google forms toolkit; with the form being distributed among the respondents via popular social networks and emails. We additionally applied A.V. Toncheva's Cyber-communication Addiction Questionnaire Survey, Kimberly Young Internet Addiction test and Cattel’s 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire, with the survey data being processed by the Google forms tools.
The study found the following paradoxical fact: despite physical training and sport practices being widely recommended as effective internet-addiction prevention tools, one of four athletes surveyed under the study was diagnosed with a high cyber-addiction. The study finding give the reasons to consider the cyber-socialization process inevitable and necessary.

Keywords: sport, cyberspace, internet addiction, selfie, cyber-socialization.


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