Physical fitness tests of highly skilled Muay Thai fighters



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2017, pp.69-71

P.P. Okhlopkov1
Dr.Hab., Professor I.A. Cherkashin1, 2
A.G. Migalkin1
M.V. Danilov1

1Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
2Churapcha State University of Physical Culture, Churapcha

The article describes a newly developed physical fitness testing model in application to the highly-skilled middleweight Muay Thai fighters. The fitness testing model includes a set of informative and dependable educational/ training process tests to rate fighters’ speed, strength, coordination, speed-strength, and inter- and intra-muscular coordination qualities; with the test rates measured on the relevant scales and presented in percent of the maximal possible rate. The test model presented herein includes 15 physical test exercises of different types. Practical application of the model in a training process makes it possible to improve efficiency of the training process control and management in Muay Thai; rate the physical qualities and abilities; identify natural predispositions of the fighters in the bout control styles (typing them as fast boxer, puncher, combined or universal boxer); forecast the competitive performance; identify the potential leaders; and improve the fighters’ qualification system to form teams for competitions of different ranks.

Keywords: physical fitness, control, test, rate, Muay Thai.


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