Training load volume and goal as key factors of performance control in judo



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2017, pp.66-68

A.V. Volkov1
PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Panchenko2
PhD, Associate Professor A.P. Babchenko3
1St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg
2Saint-Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg
3Institute of Service, Tourism and Design (Branch) North-Caucasus Federal University, Pyatigorsk

Accurate training load control and management tools are highly important for coaching and instruction specialists striving to step up the staged training process efficiency for success in competitions. The study makes a special emphasis on the issue of the training workload monitoring and management versus the process volume and goal. The key objective of the study was to rate contributions of the both components of the training process manageable by the coach to design the precompetitive training stage in a most efficient and stress-free format for success in competitions. The proposed model was tested in judokas’ training process and its benefits were demonstrated.

Keywords: training load, training volume, training goal, performance variation, judoka, monitoring.


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