Educational and sporting framework provided by national sports for individual physical self-improvement



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2017, pp.57-58

PhD, Associate Professor V.G. Torgovkin1
PhD, Associate Professor M.I. Borokhin1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Kochnev1
E.P. Kudrin1
1Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk

The study considers the ways to design the students’ individual physical self-improvement routes. Objective of the study was to offer combinations of training tools to facilitate progress of promising academic athletes and cultivate a permanent physical self-improvement agenda in them. Having analysed the key ideas of the leading researchers on the subject, the authors offered the following systemic elements of a physical self-improvement route: efficient physical progress management customised to the age- and gender-specific qualities and the ethnical, morphological and functional traits; efficient individual resource management; and provisioning for the ethnic and regional traits in the individual physical self-perfection route design – in the context of the “underage, teenage and junior people’s physical education infrastructure restoration projects implemented at Russian Federation universities – for the national health resource being duly developed by values-driven physical education and sporting culture”. Subject to the study were 40 two-to-fourth-year students majoring in National Sports and Ethnic Games.
The study data and analyses showed that mas-wrestling and Hapsagay wrestling practices may be recommended as efficient national sporting and educational framework to bring up new generations of healthy and decently cultured young people.

Keywords: students, physical self-improvement, sporting and educational framework, mas-wrestling, Hapsagay wrestling, technology.


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