Testing classical university first-year students' fitness for GTO complex tests



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2017, pp.25-27

PhD, Associate Professor S.E. Shivrinskaya
Cherepovets State University, Cherepovets

In view of the modern social development challenges, the national government gives a top priority to the “Ready for Labour and Defence” GTO Complex test implementation in national universities to improve the integrated academic physical education system. One of the important elements of the system are the students’ physical progress tests versus the GTO Complex standards with the relevant corrective actions to update the class and off-class physical education and sport practices; in addition, due conditions will be established for the academic self-reliant physical conditioning process and to step up the students’ motivations for the physical self-perfection.
One of the study objectives was to obtain gender-specific physical fitness rates for the full-time student population versus the GTO Complex test standards. We analysed the legal and regulatory provisions for the GTO Complex implementation in the national academic system, performed the students’ fitness tests and made a comparative analysis of the GTO Complex test rates for the classical university students. We analysed the actual students’ physical fitness rates versus the GTO Complex standards on a gender-specific basis; applied the empirical study data to find the most promising avenues for the academic Physical Education discipline improvement; and offered the off-class sporting, physical education and health program for the self-reliant academic physical training process.

Keywords: physical culture, GTO Complex, physical fitness, students.


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