Scientific approaches to build personal-values-driven motivations for physical culture in humanitarian university students



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2017, pp.20-22

I.I. Druziyanov1
Y.I. Yakovlev1
A.N. Pestryakov1

PhD, Associate Professor Ts.К. Garmayev1
1Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk

The article provides theoretical grounds for building the personal-values-driven motivations for physical culture in humanitarian university students based on the axiological, individual activity and social culture encouraging approaches. We believe that the axiological approach may facilitate the following personal motivations for physical culture in students: due values-driven beliefs and consciousness, with good physical culture being accepted as a personally important goal. The axiological approach to the personal physical cultural values building in students helps identify and apply the most effective progress rating criteria, methods and technologies to develop conscientious motivations for physical culture. The individual activity encouraging approach helps develop the relevant qualities, abilities, volitional qualities and moral responsibility; and facilitate the personal and professional self-fulfilment by the individual physical resource being fully mobilized for self-assessment, self-perfection and individual physical progress goals. The social culture encouraging approach is based on the relevant values and is applied as a technology focusing the student on the relevant general human cultural values. The study data and analyses made it possible for the authors to interpret the personal-values-driven motivations for physical culture as the integrated and multisided special training essentially determined by the individually important values and senses in the physical education domain including the objectives and missions of the activity, its ideals, beliefs, views on the physical education process etc.

Keywords: individual values driven motivation, academic physical education, axiological approach, individual activity encouraging approach, social culture encouraging approach.


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