Acmeological support for professional coaches' progress in advanced professional education system



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2017, pp.11-13

Dr.Hab., Professor V.G. Tyutyukov1
PhD, Associate Professor G.V. Safonova2
1Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk
2Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok

The study generated the key data to summarise the practical academic experience of aсmeological support to ensure progress of coaches in the periods of advanced professional education. The authors have developed and implemented an acmeological support system to secure professional progress of coaches in the advanced education courses taking 144 hours in form of evening lectures. The system was designed to support the trainees in their efforts to conscientiously manage their own progress zones within the individual, social, professional and technological domains. Subject to the study were 44 coaches having 5-10 years-long practical coaching experiences. The aсmeological support under the advanced education program was designed based on an integrated analysis of the individual professional experiences and included psychological and aсmeological trainings, coaching, game modelling tools, analyses and assessments by the pre-graduation skills-rating exercises and content analyses of the trainees’ portfolios.
The study findings demonstrated progress of the subjects as verified by the growth of the key competencies and professionally important qualities and abilities in the coaches trained at the advanced education courses with a special emphasis on the education component designed to help them acquire conscientious management skills to manage their own professional progress zones.

Keywords: coach, advanced education, professional career, professional competency, aсmeological support.


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