GTO Complex as a basis for academic physical education efficiency improvement



PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Panchenko1
Honoured Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation, Dr.Hab., Professor V.I. Grigoriev2
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg State University of Economics, St. Petersburg


Keywords: process control, implementation, monitoring, dissipative self-control, stochasticity.

Background. Initiatives to improve the academic physical education efficiency based on the GTO Complex (hereinafter referred to as the GTO) toolkit appear to offer a promising albeit still underexplored way to improve the quality of the national physical education. The GTO rebranding initiative prioritised by the relevant demand of the national higher education system of the Russian Federation urges analysts to assess the ways for the GTO potential being prudently employed to secure due succession and consistency of the school and university physical education systems. The available physical education system design and control concepts, however, make not provisions for the GTO resource employment at the algorithmic and design levels of the system. As things now stand, the national expert community still disagree on how the GTO system may be applied as a regulator of the academic physical education and training system, and solutions of the problem are still being explored and tested rather than practically implemented.

The most challenging is the issue of what management solution are to be applied to fully employ the GTO potential at the algorithmic and design levels of the national education system. Lately it was assumed that the regulatory capacities of the GTO Complex in its role of a goal-setting agent will encourage the initiatives to step up the physical education system efficiency and avoid potential process management errors and endemic losses.

Objective of the study was to step up the academic physical education system efficiency based on the GTO Complex toolkit.

Methods and structure of the study. The proposed model efficiency was tested per one year using a set of field tests. Subject to the tests were healthy students grouped into a Study Group (SG, n = 96) that was trained based on the GTO standards and a Reference Group (RG, n = 98), with the total training time making up 144 hours (72 hours per semester). The training process included two 90-minute training sessions per week. Track and field, swimming and team sport practices were virtually the same for both of the groups.

The training model benefits were verified by the relevant physical progress and fitness test rates. Parameters of the regulator were adjusted so as to ensure the most efficient growth of energy resource and adaptive capability rates with due gender-specific customisation of the training model. The recorded values were grouped in the informational and management components of the model to facilitate timely adjustments to the training program.

The prior tests failed to find any significant differences in the physical fitness test rates of both of the groups. The following test rates were chosen to rate the emerging and synergic effects of the training process: anthropometrical measurements including circumferences, body mass, fat mass (FM), muscle mass (MM) and VC; visual motor response tests including SMT, response to moving object (RMO), Т-tmax, heart rate (HR) and WAM (wellbeing, activity, mood) tests; plus the fast adaptive capability rates were obtained by workload varying tests. Cumulative effects of the training process were rated using the cardiac functionality rates including CO (cardiac output), SO (systolic output), cardiac cycle duration (R-R) and myocardial tension index (MTI). The functionality test rates were compared with the physical progress test rates provided by the 100m, 500m and 1000m races, swimming, long standing jumps and pull-ups on a horizontal bar.

Study results and discussion. Reference literature and website content analysis showed the GTO Complex standards being highly beneficial for selection of the best physical activity patterns and affiliated developing tracks. In every connotation of the subject problem, our general intention was to design and manage the physical activity within the frame of the GTO requirements with a special attention to the dissipative adaptability of each student to the growing training workload [1]. The model customisation to the students’ adaptability was secured by the process control, multilink regulation and physical development and fitness rating tests.

The proposed model was fundamentally composed of the following functionally connected constituents: MD) process monitoring and diagnostics program; PO) application software for monitoring data processing; FR) students’ physical development model; and TK) system of customised development tracks. The model gives a high priority to the technological component focused on diversification of the applicable training service programs [2], with the relevant process management subsystems designed to logically harmonise the training goals with content as determined by the logics of the problem-solving, development and project training service subsystems. The training model parameters are customisable both in the work programs of the basic Block 1 course (taking 72 hours), elective courses of the subject discipline (328 hours) and specific training modules (also referred to as the development tracks) designed for I-III-year students. The key concept of the model implies transition to digital products and services applied to monitor and rate the students’ progress so as to duly plan and program the training service. In the modern training process design concept, process management is to be practically focused on purposefully structured actions to timely adjust the individual development tracks as required by the target conditions and achievable by the available means and methods. This is the reason why the development tracks should be designed to duly balance variable loads to attain the individual physical development peaks and adaptive changes in the physiological and bio-energy systems. As provided by I.V. Manzheley, the GTO standards will be applied, within the process logics, as reference points dictating the algorithmic configuration of the physical training process goals [3].

The project design benefits of the proposed model are also evident from the viewpoint of formal logics since the work programs are designed with due allowance for the stochasticity of the competency-building process and non-linear functionality variation patterns within the evolutionary stages of the self-controllable progress. The goals-driven process management algorithm is customisable for physical progress, fitness and competence test rates, with every process goal being addressed by the relevant task groups within the diverse process tracks. The training process managing operation system is designed to keep the training process within the GTO-driven and programmed activity range. The progress rating criteria implies the input (controllable) variables being analysed versus the output training progress test rates of the model.

The final progress tests of the SG students showed the peaking values of the progress rates being achieved, with 89% of the SG being tested with the performance rates falling within the range of the optimal process trends. The aerobic endurance rates in the SG were tested to increase by 8.9% in the 1000m race (male) and 7.1% in the 500m race (female); and by 6.1% in the 100m swimming test. The better aerobic endurance was verified by the higher maximal HR and VE (ventilatory equivalent) rates, recursion of the phase structure of the systolic cardiac cycle with the sympathetic regulation of the cardiac activity being tested to strengthen; the cardiac cycle duration (R-R) being tested to grow by 0.1 s; the isometric contraction (IC) by 0.008 s; and the myocardial tension index (MTI) by 3.6%.

In the 100m sprint tests, the SG females and males showed 11.3% and 13.5% better performance versus the RG peers (R=0.701, p<0.05), respectively, due to the higher speed-strength qualities and improved visual motor response rates. In the pull-up tests, the SG males showed 32% progress; and  12.5% progress in the standing long jump. In crunches test, the SG females showed 14.1% (R=0.644, p<0.05) progress due to the improvements in the anthropometrical measurements and neuro-muscular performance rates, including growth of the body mass and energy resource rates; plus the following circumference growth rates were tested in the SG males vs. females: shoulder circumference 6.8% vs. 5.3%; chest circumference 9.1% vs. 8.7%; and shin circumference 7.4% vs. 6.9% (R=0.622, р≤0.05). Furthermore, the SG females were tested with a high progress in the flexibility rates as verified by the forward bends on the gymnastic bench tests where the SG females showed twice as high rates as their RG peers. Generally, the RG was found to lag far behind in the physical development and fitness test rates. Despite the work program being fulfilled as required, only 32% of the RG showed some progress in 100m sprint, 100m swimming and standing long jump tests, with the other progress rates varying within the marginal performance indices. The test results showed that the GTO Complex implementation initiatives can be considered an objectively beneficial and important component of the academic physical improvement that helps mobilise extra physical resources in the trainees.

The technological component of the process management was found beneficial in applying the GTO Complex standards and converting them into good progress. Good sustainability of the attained maximums of the physical performance rates in the training period enabled 62% males and 54% females of the SG to pass the GTO Complex Class VI tests. Of these successful students, 11% males and 6% females were qualified for the Gold GTO Badge; 47% males and 26% females - for the Silver GTO Badge; and 42% males and 68% females - for the Bronze GTO Badge. The GTO Complex implementation process rates were found to correlate with a variety of factors of direct and indirect influence on the academic physical education process efficiency in particular and the education process quality on the whole. A variety of new technological conditions arising in the process required new management tools – including the relevant goal-setting, process planning, design and progress control tools – being developed and applied.

Conclusion. Despite some managerial complication in the model piloting process, the proposed model proved beneficial in mobilising the attractive aspects of the GTO Complex within the frame of the applied code of the academic physical education. The GTO Complex implementation initiatives require due adjustments to the process regulation with the relevant updates of the technological component of the academic physical education system.


  1. Mironova O.V., Dementiev K.N., Grigoriev V.I., Pristav O.V. Kompleks GTO kak mobilizatsionny instrument kapitalizatsii chelovecheskikh resursov [GTO complex viewed as mobilization tool for human resources capitalization]. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury, 2016, no. 9, pp. 39-42.
  2. Grigoriev V.I. Regulyativnye funktsii GTO v strukture adaptivnogo upravleniya fizicheskoy podgotovkoy studentov [Regulatory functions of GTO in the structure of adaptive management of university physical training process]. Mat. nauch.-praktich. konferentsii "Strategicheskie napravleniya reformirovaniya vuzovskoy sistemy fizicheskoy kultury" [Proc. res.-pract. conf. "Strategic directions of reforming the academic physical education system"], 2016. St. Petersburg: Polytechnic University publ., 2016, pp. 76-80.
  3. Manzheley I.V. Programmno-informatsionnoe soprovozhdenie vserossiyskogo fizkulturno-sportivnogo kompleksa «Gotov k trudu i oborone» [Software and information support of All-Russia Physical Culture and Sports complex "Ready for Labour and Defence"]. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury, 2015, no. 9, p. 31.
  4. Rudenko G.V., Bolotin A.E. Organizatsionno-pedagogicheskie usloviya, neobkhodimye dlya vnedreniya novogo kompleksa GTO v sistemu fizicheskogo vospitaniya naseleniya Rossii [Organizational educational conditions needed to implement new GTO complex into physical education of Russian people]. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury, 2015, no. 7, pp. 97-99. 

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The article offers a conceptual approach to the academic physical education efficiency improvement based on the GTO Complex toolkit. The study found that the academic physical education process design with due contribution of the GTO Complex tools and requirements provides favourable conditions for the students’ physical activity being encouraged. The GTO Complex toolkit is particularly beneficial in terms of the new goal-setting, process design, management and control opportunities. The study data and analyses showed that the new process technologies and conditions help adjust the relevant process control concepts to significantly improve the technological component of the academic physical education process. Despite some managerial complication in the model piloting process, the proposed model proved beneficial in mobilising the attractive aspects of the GTO Complex within the frame of the applied code of the academic physical education. The GTO Complex implementation initiatives require due adjustments to the process regulation with the relevant updates of the technological component of the academic physical education system