Additional professional education qualimetry for adaptive physical education and sports specialists



Professor, Dr.Hab. V.D. Chepik1
Associate Professor, Dr.Hab. A.S. Makhov1
Deputy Dean of Physical Education Faculty for additional professional education M.V. Nekrasova1
Postgraduate A.S. Sidorov2
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Podolsk social sports institute, Podolsk


Keywords: qualimetry of education content, basic industry-specific information of educational program, Paralympic sport, professional capacity of trainer in sport. 

Objective of the study was to form basic industry-specific content of additional vocational education in the system of continuing education for adaptive physical education and sports professionals.     

Research methods and structure. In order to design the curricula of additional education and assessment systems we used a comprehensive approach of intra-level coherence and succession of all the sections of vocational education for adaptive physical education and sports professionals as a mandatory condition for the continuity of the entire system of professional training and personnel development.       In view of the above, the development and testing of the pilot curricula of additional vocational education were carried out taking into account the requirements and directives of the federal laws of the Russian Federation with regard to the curricula design and implementation [1]; regulatory documents of ministries and institutions responsible for legal aspects of additional vocational education procedures [3]. Classification method was used when identifying priority sections of the vocational education content focusing on the specific characteristics of training and competitive activities of disabled athletes that are determined by the following:   

- characteristics of sports training processes in view of the specifics of mental conditioning, morphofunctional and motor training of disabled athletes (“A” component);

- the disabled athlete status confirmed by means of testing by medical commissions based on the Classification Code adopted by the General Assembly of the International Paralympic Committee in 2008 (“B” component); 

- models of competitive activity and rules of competitions in which disabled athletes take part: Paralympic, Deaflympics and Specialized movements (“C” component);

- conventional means, methods, systems of training and competitive processes used in the training of athletes without health conditions (“D” component). 

Research results and discussion. The Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation together with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation developed qualification requirements to the content of professional activities of adaptive physical education and sports professionals [2]. The Ministry of Sport of Russia defined characteristics and specifics of long-term sports training processes; adopted the Federal standards for sports training of disabled athletes [7]. The modern practice of adaptive physical education and sports is characterized by a search for efficient, high-tech sports training systems [6]. Advanced sports techniques are being increasingly implemented into the training process of Paralympians and technical tools creation. However, methodological, theoretical and tutorial aspects of the adaptive physical education and sports theory have not yet been developed as subjects of study or basic concepts for practice of this field of activity. Programs of rehabilitation and physical recreation by means of physical culture, the practice of sports training are based on basic sciences and education sections of general theory and methodology of physical education, sport physiology, sport morphology, sport psychology, hygiene of physical culture and sport and other education sections that are relevant to the generally accepted theory and methodology of physical education. As a result, many issues related to the practice of training and competitive activities of disabled athletes remain unsolved, and the absence of standard requirements to the content of professional development programs for adaptive physical education professionals has a negative impact on the quality of their vocational training and career. In this regard, the question arises of the need to develop standard professional development programs with the structure and content of the basic industry-specific education sections fully compliant with the specifics of working with the mentioned professionals.  

Development of basic, industry-specific sections of additional vocational education for adaptive physical education and sports professionals was carried out based on the analysis of the mentioned inconsistencies. A questionnaire survey of training staff of sports and recreation clubs for the disabled (Moscow, Moscow region and other regions of Russia); surveys involving participants of international conferences on the classification of disabled athletes (in 2009, 2011 and 2014) as well as analysis of studies on the subject confirmed the need to create the sections of additional vocational education taking into account characteristics and specifics of training and competitive activities of disabled athletes [4; 5]. Table 1 presents the structure of education sections, the content of which is a priority in the programs of training and competitive activities of disabled athletes.

Table 1. Structure of basic industry-specific information in the programs of additional vocational education (PAVE) for adaptive physical education and sports professionals.


Additional vocational education program modules

Basic industry-specific information in PAVE






Long-term training system:

- factors of high sports achievements;

- tasks of sports training stages;

- the federal standard of sports training; sports training process planning technology. 






Factors of effective motor training in a chosen adaptive sport (CAS):

- building physical qualities;

- formation of complex coordination structure of motor actions; 

- modes of intense muscular activity;

- competitive activity models in chosen adaptive sport.






Teaching motor actions in CAS:

- classification and improvement of motor actions in CAS;

- technical and tactical skills improvement in CAS.






Educational activity of adaptive physical education and sports trainer-instructor; pedagogical mastery and teaching CAS. Psychological and pedagogical support of sports training processes.  






CAS classes’ impact on the morphofunctional state indicators of those involved in adaptive sports. 

Methods of recording and analyzing sports mastery level indicators at various stages of training of disabled athletes.  






Psychological and pedagogical support of the sports training process:

- mental, neurodynamic, energy and motor components of the state of disabled athletes in CAS; 

- special tests for monitoring and correction of those involved in accessible sport.






Medical and pedagogical supervision of disabled athletes:

- medical support of sports training processes;

- medical and pharmacological support of training and competitive activities;

- ensuring safety and injury prevention for disabled athletes; arrangement of doping control during training and competitive activities






1. «+» priorities of basic industry-specific information containing data on status characteristics of a disabled athlete and specifics of training and competitive activities; 

2. «-» priorities of basic industry-specific information containing data on conventional means and methods of sports training of athletes with no health conditions.

Conclusion. Development and consistent allocation of basic industry-specific information within the sections of additional vocational education programs for adaptive physical education and sports professionals will increase the efficiency of training and competitive activity processes and the training of sports reserve for the national teams of Russia in adaptive sports.


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Abstract. Analysis of statistical data on the development and state of adaptive physical education and sports in the regions of the Russian Federation reflects both positive factors and problems associated with the quality of professional capacity of experts providing social, psychophysical rehabilitation and sports training of this category of population. Special studies have shown that the content of vocational training of coaches and instructors working in adaptive sport today does not fully meet the specific requirements of working with people with disabilities. Trainers do not usually fully take into account the specifics of the morphofunctional state of disabled athletes, which is that athletes with impairments have completely different characteristics of participation in competitions; psycho-emotional perception of intense muscular activity and possibility to perform movements with complex coordination structure of motor activity; different ratios in the intermuscular coordination of the musculoskeletal system, compared with those who do not have such impairments. These circumstances necessitate the development of additional vocational education curriculum for professionals, taking into account the specifics of the entire system of scientific and methodological support of training and competitive activities of disabled athletes.