Luscher color test to measure psycho-emotional state of female students from different health groups



Dr.Hab., Professor А. Gorelov1,3
PhD, Associate Professor E.N. Kopeikina2
Dr.Hab., Professor О.G. Rumba3
Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Sushchenko1
1Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
2Belgorod State National Research University
3St. Petersburg Military Institute of Physical Education


Keywords: Luscher color test, female students from different health groups, psycho-emotional state, stress resistance, activity, communication abilities.

Introduction. The Luscher test is based on the assumption that the choice of color reflects suitability of a tested person for a certain activity, his/her feelings, his/her functional state and most common personality traits. This test enables measuring psychological and physiological state of a person, his/her stress resistance, vigor and communication abilities, and determining reasons for the psychological stress which can lead to the emergence of physiological symptoms and disorders. Besides, results of color diagnostics imply self-assessment and an opportunity to make professional recommendations for preventing the psychological stress and treating physiological symptoms [1]. Foreign and Russian psychologists use the Luscher test for career guidance, recruitment, teambuilding, ethnic and gerontological studies. The interpretation of colors in the test results from the comprehensive examination of numerous people who make up a variety of samples. In our research we made an attempt to study the psycho-emotional state of female students who take physical education classes according to their health groups. We assumed that the girls of primary and special health groups would have different psycho-emotional state.

Purpose of the research was to detect differences in the psycho-emotional state of the girls in primary health group (PHG), special health group (SHG) and specifically selected group with respiratory disorders (GRD).

Results and discussion. The research involved 57 female students of Belgorod State National Research University, 15 students belonged to PHG, 26 students belonged to SHG, 16 females belonged to GRD. The psycho-physical state of female students, their stress resistance, activity, communication abilities were studied using the Max Luscher color test (LCT). LCT is carried out by sorting cards of different colors according to preferences of a test subject. The rules of the test stipulate that test subjects should not associate the colors with fashion, traditions, tastes. They have to choose the colors only in accordance with their personal attitude. Besides, there was made an attempt to detect reasons for possible psychological stress that could lead to physiological symptoms and disorders [1].   

In order to create a psychological profile of every test group, a short version of LCT was used. Due to the test rules, a test person gets eight cards of different colors (blue, green, red, yellow, violet, brown, black, grey), which he/she has to classify according to personal preferences. Test subjects have to be free from color associations related to fashion, tastes, traditions and to choose colors based on their own perceptions. Colours are selected from most preferable to least preferable. First of all, the test person chooses the colour he/she likes best, then he/she chooses from the remaining colours which he likes most. This is done until all the colour cards have been taken. The colours are identified by a number, which will be used for further interpretation. Hereby number 8 is the least preferable colour (or causing a strong antipathy). Thus the choice of colours forms eight positions:

            No.1, 2 represent what the test person strives for (labeled «++»);

            No.3, 4 represent what the test person prefers at the present moment (labeled «xx»);

            No.5, 6 represent the colors the test person is indifferent towards (labeled «= =»);

            No.7, 8 represent the colors that the test person rejects (labeled «- -»).

The information on the selection of color groups was generalized, which enabled classifying eight colors according to eight positions in each health group. It was found out that all the health groups showed a priority for basic colors (blue, green, red, yellow) in the first 4 positions, moving auxiliary colors to a lower part of color sequences. On the whole, this fact leads to the conclusion that the girls under the test are in the positive psycho-emotional state, they do not have any serious stress conditions and disorders. The fact that females from SHG and GRD show a higher preference for violet color does not influence the common positive result of LCT, because Max Luscher made an exception for this color as a leader among auxiliary colors in identifying negative psycho-emotional trends of test subjects. However, what should be emphasized is that some percentage of the females in each health group preferred auxiliary colors (grey, brown, black) in the 1st-4th positions. This indicates personality conflict, compensation and stress condition. Besides, it is worth noting that the PHG girls picked out black in the 5th position, whereas this color is considered favourable in the 8th position.

Comparing LCT results between the groups, we can draw a conclusion that color preferences of the girls from SHG and GRD are similar. In particular, these groups prefer the same colors in 6 positions out of eight: in the 1st position they prefer violet, 2nd position - green, 4th position - red, 6th position - blue, 7th position - grey, 8th position - brown. Generally, PHG girls chose different colors compared to the girls of other groups. However, in color sequences all the groups showed the same results in three positions: green - in the 2nd position, grey - in the 7th position and brown in the 8th. It is curious that similarity of the results between the groups is revealed only if we compare the results of the PHG girls with the combined result of the SHG and GRD females. But if to compare the results of PHG and SHG, or PHG and GRD, we can see they are different.

The psychological profile for each of the test groups was created by analyzing the chosen color sequences.

According to Max Luscher, the 1st position (labeled «+») indicates the enhanced significance of the color. The choice of yellow in PHG expresses that the girls strive for future, hope for the best, tend to dream, loosen up. The choice of violet in SHG and GRD indicates girls' sensitivity, trustfulness, desire to charm. As a whole, PHG female students are extroverts, whereas SHG and GRD students are introverted.

The 2nd position in LCT (labeled «+») signifies the purpose that a test subject is going to achieve. Green color in all the groups indicates an aspiration for self-identification, self-sufficiency, self-control.

The 3rd and 4th positions (labeled “x”) reveal inner feelings of test subjects, connected with satisfaction of a high-priority need or denote their favored pattern of conduct. The 3rd position of the red color in PHG and 4th in SHG and GRD shows a certain degree of irritability among the majority of girls and a regular emergence of disappointment among them. The 3rd position of yellow in GRD and 4th in PHG indicates readiness of test subjects for communication and different types of contacts. The 3rd position of Violet in SHG indicates emotional sensibility and sensuality. The 3rd position of blue in GRD indicates readiness for pleasant relationships without tension and desire for peace. Altogether, on the one hand, the girls' selection implies some discontent with the achievements in all the groups, and on the other hand, this indicates their sociability and openness. Moreover, the SHG girls are notable for certain emotionality and the GRD girls – for the desire for peace.

The 5th and 6th positions of LCT (labeled “=”) indicate the current irrelevance of the need, represented by the selected color. Black color itself represents the attitude of the test subject towards an absolute (e.g. towards some authority, destiny, death). The 5th position of this color in PHG and 6th in SHG indicates the girls are able to compromise and comply with conventions. The fact that strong will and aggressive behavior are irrelevant for the girls of SHG and PHG is confirmed by a prevailing choice of red in the 5th and 6th positions, respectively. However, on the other hand, the given position of this color implies some irritability of most girls and their weakened desires; and it also indicates the need to treat them with special care. For the GRD girls, irrelevant are the sense of confidence and persistence (green color), and for the GRD and SHG girls – the feeling of satisfaction (blue color). The 5th position of the green color indicates passivism and low aspiration among the GRD girls. Grey color rated 5th shows their emotional readiness for communication and interest in their social status. The 6th position of blue in SHG and GRD indicates the relationship superficiality of most girls in these groups. Summarizing the data of the 5th and 6th positions, it can be concluded that offensive tendencies are not inherent in the PHG and SHG girls; they are compliant and ready for the dialogue, although the feelings of discontent and anxiety are peculiar to them. The SHG and GRD girls are rather self-centered and they avoid responsibilities and heavy commitment, but they are very concerned about what others think of them.

Positions 7 and 8 (labeled “-”) indicate the impossibility or undesirability to satisfy the need, represented by the selected color, and, consequently, some kind of defensive behavior. Very informative is the fact that in all tested groups the choice of the least attractive colors was absolutely similar – grey in the 7th position and brown in the 8th. Such unanimity is also noted only with the green color in the 2nd position. Grey, representing the attitude of the test subject towards self-determination within the society, in the position labeled with the sign “-”, indicates the aspiration of most tested girls for social success, as well as it shows their excessive emotional excitement. Brown indicates the significance of physical needs for test subjects. The 8th position of this color means most girls suppress their physical needs.

Relying on the chosen color sequences as a result of LCT, we can draw the following conclusion:

  •  Most PHG girls show goals and aspirations for future. They have a desire to succeed in life, to become self-sufficient and to gain recognition in society. However, they are not completely satisfied with their achievements, which makes them worried or even irritated. Moreover, such girls have to suppress their physical needs, which also can be a result of their dissatisfaction. As a whole, these girls are emotional, communicative and have an outgoing personality.
  • Most SHG girls are introverted and reserved, which explains their specific sensitiveness and vulnerability. Like PHG females, SHG girls have a desire to succeed in life, to become self-sufficient and to gain recognition in society. They are not completely satisfied with their achievements and have to suppress their physical needs, which makes them worried or even irritated. They are not quick-tempered, they have an outgoing personality and seek admiration. However, they are a little self-centered, they do not want to take responsibility. As a whole, SHG girls are more overemotional than the girls of the other two groups.
  • Most GRD girls, like SHG girls, are notable for excessive self-interest, leading to specific sensitiveness and vulnerability. Like the girls of the other groups, GRD female students have a strong desire to succeed in life, to become self-sufficient and to gain recognition in society. Similarly, they are not completely satisfied with their achievements and have to suppress their physical needs, which makes them worried or even irritated. Most GRD girls are submissive, unconfident, they do not persist in achieving goals. The girls seek pleasant but superficial interaction, they want to charm and to be admired. It is important for these girls how others perceive them. However, like SMG groups, they are a little self-centered, they do not want to take responsibility. As a whole, they are introverted and long for peace.


  1. Sobchik L.N. Metod tsvetovykh vyborov – modifikatsiya vosmitsvetovogo testa Lyushera: prakticheskoe rukovodstvo [Method of color preferences as modification of Luscher's eight color test]. St. Petersburg: Rech publ., 2007, 128 p.

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Max Luscher color test, which is referred to projective techniques, is used in psychological, educational and biomedical studies as an indicator of person’s priorities, and focuses on evaluating certain activities; it also reveals the most common personality traits. The Luscher test as a technique of measuring psycho-emotional response is aimed at female students from different health groups. It is well known that color can have both physiological and psychological effects. This article presents the data of analyzing the psycho-emotional response of female students, who belong to primary and special health groups, as well as a specifically selected group of female students with respiratory disorders, to Max Luscher color test (LCT).