Adaptive physical education tools applicable in individual academic education trajectory design technologies



Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №1-2017, pp.60-62

UDC 796.011.3

Associate Professor, PhD T.M. Pankratovich1
Associate Professor, PhD E.M. Golikova1
Associate Professor, PhD P.P. Tissen1
1Orenburg State Pedagogical University Orenburg

The study considers the individual academic education trajectory design specifics in application to the health-impaired university students (HIS) engaged in the academic adaptive physical culture system. The study data and analyses gave the means to highlight the key individual education trajectory design technologies within the frame of the adaptive physical culture of the university HIS. It was found by the study that healthy students may be exposed to risks of health disorders due to the education process design deficiencies and/or mismanagement, with the relevant social and cultural effects of the adaptive physical culture for HIS being successful. The proposed individual academic education trajectory design technology within the adaptive physical education system will be built up on a staged, accessible and individualization bases. Every element of an individual educational trajectory will be formed with consideration for the relevant key policies and requirements, with the basic educational forms being customized to the needs of every student.

Keywords: technologies, health-impaired students, adaptive physical culture, individual academic education trajectory.


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