Structural analysis of intellectual difficulties in junior athletes' competitive activity



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №2 2017, pp.100-102

UDC 796.077.5

Associate Professor, PhD G.A. Kuzmenko
Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU), Moscow

The study was designed to explore the intellectual problems faced by adolescents in their sporting activity and spell out their intellectual demands with an emphasis on the educational needs and with account of the types and manifestations of intellectual qualities of special importance for successful self-fulfilment in the vocational sports. Subject to the study were 500 adolescent athletes aged 13-15 years and 104 coaches representing 18 sport disciplines. The study data and analyses highlighted the range of the adolescents’ educational needs beyond the frame of the cognitive functions, plus the professional interests of the coaches in terms of their professional skills improvement in the junior athletes’ intellectual training technologies. Most of the respondents do believe that the athletic training process must give a high priority to the biological determinants of intellect and individual cognitive styles to build up the cognitive versatility and cognitive functionality, plus the situation-beneficial domains of the theoretical, informational, technological, practical, body-control, motivational (intra-personal), emotional and social domains of intellect. Coaches, in contrast to the junior athletes, tend to underestimate the role of biological determinants of intellect including psychomotor, technological and emotional intellect, and this is interpreted as indicative of the adolescents’ educational needs being still unsatisfied.

Keywords: adolescent, coach, sporting activity, types of intellect, intellectual problems, educational demand.


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