Benefits of N.N. Efimenko's game method for preschool physical education



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №2 2017, pp.86-88

UDC 796.011.3

Dr.Med, Associate Professor E.Y. Dyakova1
V.S. Shchigartsov1
1National research Tomsk state university, Tomsk

The study was designed to assess benefits of the Theatre of Preschool and Junior Schoolchildren’s Physical and Health Education method by N.N. Efimenko. Reference Group of Preschool Education Establishment #3 based in Tomsk was trained under the “Birth to School” education program by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova and M.A. Vasilyeva, with the trainees’ progress being tested by the standard set of preschool progress tests including the 10 m sprints, 30-second back-down trunk lifting test, standing long jump test, and 1-kg stuffed ball throwing test.
For the study period of September 2015 to April 2016, the Study Group progress was found significantly better as verified by the 30-s back-down trunk lifting test. As reported by the physical training instructor, the Study Group showed higher interest to the practices versus the RG. The children’s sickness statistics showed domination of respiratory system diseases followed by parasitic and infectious diseases and, in the third place, by allergic and gastrointestinal system diseases. Many children were diagnosed with musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system and nasopharynx system disorders.
Questionnaire survey of the families and tutors of the trainees showed the respondents believing the children are too sick due to reportedly low immunity and inadequate physical education in the families. 84% of the respondents appreciated the preschool health improvement and disease prevention system as necessary and beneficial.

Keywords: preschoolers, physical education, test, Efimenko’s method.


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