Spatial postural control and adaptation mechanisms in children with infantile cerebral palsy during position change



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №2 2017, pp.46-48

UDC 796.01:612

V.A. Klendar1
Associate Professor, PhD N.A. Gross1
1Federal Research Center of Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow

The study applied the heart rate variability analysis as non-invasive method to rate the autonomic nervous system conditionality and bodily adaptation resources, and demonstrated the method being beneficial for the bodily functionality and functional reserve rating in application to the children diagnosed with infantile cerebral palsy (ICP). The HR variability analysis application to profile the age- and gender-specific variations in the functional adaptation of the children with motor disorders give the means to individualize the adaptation process design to effectively control and prevent disadaptation conditions.
Furthermore, the HR variability analysis in application to the ICP children’s spatial postural control studies provided data on different elements of the regulator mechanisms and general adaptation responses. The motor responsiveness sagging with age was found to result in imbalances of the higher vegetative centres functionality and poor physical fitness as verified by the negative changes in responsiveness rates and the growing inefficiency of adaptive responses.

Keywords: children with impairments, heart rate variability, hemodynamics, adaptive responses.


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