Information technology for physical education: experience and challenges



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2017, pp. 6-8

UDC 796:002

Dr.Hab., Professor, RANH Academician P.K. Petrov
Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

Objective of the work was to analyse and generalise the practical experience of the modern information technology application for the physical education purposes and set new goals for the application IT improvement process. The study methodology was based on analyses of the available theoretical and practical reports and initiatives to generalise and apply the relevant software and education tools for the physical education specialist training at Udmurt State University. The study has resulted in the main avenues for the further modern IT research and implementation in the national physical culture and sports sector. The study gives a few concrete examples of how the modern information and communication technologies may be applied and their direct and potential benefits for the physical culture and sports projects in the following domains: (1) physical education and sport specialist training system; (2) athletic training system; (3) sport event organization and management process; (4) health improvement and physical culture projects; (5) institutional and management arrangements for the relevant theoretical and practical works; (6) athlete’s functionality tests; (7) trainees’ physical progress and health monitoring projects; (8) psychological tests; and (9) informational and practical support for and management of the education and training process at the relevant education establishments and sport institutions. The solutions offered by the study will help design the relevant research processes with a higher priority being given to the modern information and communication technologies applicable in the physical culture and sports sector; and successfully implement them in the education and training processes.

Keywords: information technology in physical education, modern information and communication technologies, experience, challenges.


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