Issues of anthropometrics versus health condition correlations in male students of special health group



Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №6 2016, pp.56-59

PhD K.V. Sukhinina1
E.I. Gordeeva1
Postgraduate O.Y. Aleksandrovich1
1Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk

Subject to the study were the body mass components of the first-year students qualified for the special health group versus that of the Reference Group. The students’ anthropometrical measures were taken twice a year in autumn (prior to Semester I) and spring (after the academic year). Subject to the study were 60 first-year male students from six departments of Irkutsk State University. The study found the body component indices being significantly different in the Reference Group versus the Study Group. The students diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia were tested with the lowest muscular and bone mass indices and the highest fat mass indices. Objective of the study was to find correlation of the body components versus the health conditions of the male students qualified for the special health group.

Keywords: anthropometric measures, fat mass, bone mass, muscular mass, male students, special health group.


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19.10.2016 г.