Personal social developmental education concept in application to students with health limitations



Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №6 2016, pp.53-55

Associate Professor, PhD E.M. Golikova
Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg

Objective of the study was to design a personal social developmental education concept in application to the students diagnosed with health limitations (HL) based on the individual academic education trajectories to guide them through their professional academic educational process. Subject to the study were 2438 students of 16-22 years of age in the period of 2009 through 2016. In the personal social developmental educational concept design process, the author was driven by the relevant social, general methodological and special educational principles to select a set of the relevant educational tools and conditions. The individual academic education trajectory application technology showed its benefits as verified by the decreased anxiety and emotional instability rates. Positive trends in the personal mental settings associated with growth of the self-assessment and stress tolerance rates contributing to the students’ socializing process were also found by the study.

Keywords: personality social development, students, health limitations.


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26.08.2016 г.