Students' sporting culture building in context of higher education system reform



Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №6 2016, pp.25-27

Associate Professor, PhD G.A. Gavronina1
Associate Professor, PhD K.V. Chedov1
S.V. Solov'ev1
1Perm State National Research University, Perm

A high priority in the students’ general cultural competences building process is given to academic physical training and sporting activity. It should be noted that the general cultural competence building process efficiency may be improved by a top priority being given to the sporting culture values cultivation rather than only the general physical education of students.
Success of the sporting culture values cultivation initiatives will depend on how successful the high sport technologies adaptation/ conversion concepts and the theoretical training course are within the frame of the academic Physical Education module.

Keywords: sporting culture, general cultural competences, high sport technologies adaptation concept, theoretical training.


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17.10.2016 г.