Efficient education environment to intensify training process of university students playing table tennis



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2016, pp.46-47

UDC 796.011.3

PhD L.V. Voytus1
Professor, Dr.Hab. S.S. Dobrovol'skiy2
Associate Professor, PhD O.V. Yurechko1
1Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University, Blagoveshchensk
2Far Eastern Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk

e-mail: olga19674@yandex.ru

Objective of the study was to improve the training process efficiency in application to female table tennis playing university students using high-intensity athletic training technologies. Subject to the study was the physical performance rates of the female university students engaged in table tennis and general physical conditioning practices in the context of their motivations for sports, with a comparative analysis of the motor skills rates of the more skilled (Class I) tennis players versus that of the lower-skilled (Class II-III) players. The study was focused on the specific aspects of their motor skills, speed-strength qualities and special endurance rates, the obtained data being processed for an analysis. The motor skills profiling data generated by the study and the analysis gave the means to design model characteristics for the women table tennis players of different skill levels, with the skills being formed for short terms in a controlled training environment with the relevant objective performance control tools and computerized training system being applied. The computerized training/ performance control system makes it possible to objectively rate the motor skill performance efficiency and model competitive performance in table tennis thereby notably increasing the technical action performance rates and the overall intensity of the training sessions.

Keywords: table tennis, female students, high-intensity training technology, athletic training.


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Received 18.05.2016 г.