Sport educator's training process differentiation in martial arts



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2016, pp. 12-14

UDC 378.016:796.8

Associate Professor T.G. Kotova
Tyumen State University, Tyumen


The article considers the ways to differentiate the competitive martial arts training process in application to physical culture university students. Special emphasis is made on the differentiation forms most appropriate for different physical education and training models and the personality-focused experience of the students’ physical progress management. The study identifies a set of universal motor skills; offers a structured curriculum designed on a modular basis; lists typical errors in the martial art techniques; and outlines special correction exercises as designed by the author. Subject to the tests and pilot project under the study were 217 full-time students of Physical Culture Institute majoring in Martial Arts. The study has found that the students engaged in acyclic sport disciplines and team sports master the education materials 2-3 sessions earlier than the cyclic sports group students. By the end of the pilot training course, the subject students were tested with the overall physical quality rates staying virtually at the same high level, whilst the special physical qualities showed a meaningful growth.

Keywords: training process differentiation, personal motor experience, education material structuring on modular basis, universal motor skills; typical errors in martial art techniques.


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Received 05.07.2016 г.