Theoretical basics of past, present and future physical education in context of general education and culture development trends




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №10 2016, pp. 99-104

UDC 796.01

Professor, Dr.Hab. Y.M. Nikolaev
Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg


The article considers different issues with concern to the evolution of the theoretical basics for physical culture in our country from 1960ies till now. The study shows that the past, present and future closely interrelated development trends may be identified in the overall progress at this juncture. The key classification criterion is focused on how the theoretical basics of physical culture in the professional physical culture education in one or another period have facilitated the whole-hearted personality formation process – in the somatic, mental, social and cultural aspects.
Our analysis of the theoretical basics of the past, present and future physical culture shows that the urgent system reforms will be spearheaded (better done than said) by the culture-building methodology that will make it possible to design a new educational policy in the professional physical cultural education. A key role in the process will be played by the modern theory of physical culture. As soon as it is developed and implemented, it will radically change the theoretical and practical thinking of the future researchers and educators active in the national physical culture sector; reform and bring new quality to the system; and sort out the contents of its theoretical and educational domains. The reforms are highly critical today due to many physical cultural establishments being restructured to universities that should, as implied by their status, evolve to regional hubs of science and culture in their areas.

Keywords: evolution of theoretical basics of physical education, modern theory of physical education, general education and culture .


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Received 10.05.2016 г.