Elite female gymnasts' special motor qualities required for group exercise performance success in rhythmic gymnastics




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №10 2016, pp. 88-90

UDC 796.01:612

Associate Professor, PhD E.S. Inozemtseva1
E.G. Khatskaleva1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

e-mail: kapil@yandex.ru

The study explores contributions of the special motor qualities required for a group routine performance success in rhythmic gymnastics, including the apparatus release success. The educational experiment was run in the period of November 2015 to April 2016. Subject to the study were Study Group (SG) and Reference Group (RG) (n=24) of elite gymnasts of 16-18 years of age from the Children’s and Youth Olympic Reserve Sport School named after R. Kuznetsov, Seversk city, Tomsk Province.
To identify and rate the special motor skills in the gymnasts and factors of influence on the apparatus release elements in the group routines, we performed a questioning survey entitled “Contributions of special abilities required for success of the apparatus release elements in the group routines in rhythmic gymnastics”. Subject to the questioning were the coaches and high-ranking gymnasts specialized in the group routines. The study found that a set of special individual and group training tools geared to improve the ability to reproduce the spatial and temporal parameters of a movement sequence and the motor response rates in the high-ranking gymnasts help increase the success rates of the apparatus release elements and, hence, the overall competitive success rates.

Keywords: rhythmic gymnastics, group routines, special motor skills, apparatus release elements.


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Received 05.07.2016 г.