Athletes' performance and working capacity monitoring and correction methods in training and competitive processes




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №10 2016, pp. 68-71

UDC 796.092

Professor, Dr. Med. V.A. Bukharin1
Associate Professor, PhD G.S. Torshin1
PhD T.I. Ulitskaya1
PhD V.S. Kulikov1
Dr. Biol. I.A. Afanasyeva1
Associate Professor, Dr. Biol. A.N. Vetosh1
Professor, Dr. Biol. M.G. Tkachuk1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg


The article explores a variety of the athletic performance and physical working capacity monitoring and correction methods in different sport disciplines. The study data and analyses show that a mix of methods including hyperbaric oxygenation, oxygen-helium mixes, interval hypoxic training combined with electric impulses and neuropeptide administration proved efficient in the performance and working capacity maintenance and improvement. The study made it possible to offer a set of physiological, psycho-physiological and biological methodologies including biochemical, immunological and endocrinal ones to forecast potential chronic fatigue, burnout, immunodeficiency, acute respiratory diseases and other conditions and to apply the appropriate performance correction methods.

Keywords: athletes’ working capacity correction, biological monitoring, genetic markers, hyperbaric oxygenation, interval hypoxic training, electric impulses, neuropeptide.


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Received 29.06.2016 г.