Professional efficiency and personality profiling models for student-athletes and non-athletes




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №10 2016,  pp. 53-55

UDC 796.011.1

Associate Professor, PhD V.A. Marenko1
S.Y. Gushcha2
1Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy Sciences, Omsk
2Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sport, Omsk


Objective of the study was to explore different aspects of professionalism viewed as the creative and transforming natural inclinations correlating with personal traits of university students. The article gives a brief overview of the available study reports on the professional competency building in student-athletes and non-athletes. Subjects were surveyed to diagnose and rate the potential cognitive dissonances as their personality traits. A cognitive dissonance is interpreted as the individual condition dominated by negative moods due to the base living needs are systemically left unsatisfied. Furthermore, the students’ self-rating survey was performed under the study, since the self-ratings are known to be of high influence on interpersonal relationship and, hence, on the human behavioural models and progress. The student-athletes' professional efficiency was rated by the points scored in the combined competitive events, whilst their non-sporting peers were tested by the intellectual workability rating tests. Based on the reference survey/ test rates, the authors designed the professional efficiency/ self-rating/ cognitive dissonance correlation dialectical models for the student-athletes vs. non-athletes. The models demonstrate that the individual traits are more expressed in the sporting students than in their non-sporting peers. Therefore, the study data show that physical education may be viewed as not only a living style but also a specific environment for the personality building and multisided development process.

Keywords: competency building approach, professional activity, self-rating, cognitive dissonance, athlete, non-athlete..


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Received 18.04.2016 г.