Physical culture and health improvement family activity design models applicable to municipal sport facilities




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2016, pp. 83-85

UDC 796.034.2

Postgraduate M.A. Rodionova
Surgut State University, Surgut


The article considers the increasingly critical issue of the ways to engage children and adults into active sporting lifestyles. The author believes that it is the municipal sport establishments that will play a key role in the family sporting culture development initiatives. The article gives an overview of the family physical culture and health improvement initiatives. The proposed physical cultural and health improvement family activity design models will help expand the range of the sport services provided by the relevant municipal sport facilities and create a cooperative and co-creative environment in families to encourage the due values and attitudes to sports being fostered in families.

Keywords: family physical culture, physical culture and health improvement activity, joint classes of children and adults, family physical culture and health improvement interaction.


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Received 08.09.2016 г.