Physical education teacher's communicative competency in life safety domain




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2016, pp. 17-19

UDC 796.071.4

Associate Professor, Dr.Hab. M.A. Kartavykh1
Professor, Dr.Hab. G.S. Kamerilova1
PhD I.V. Prokhorova1
Associate Professor, PhD E.L. Ageeva1
M.A. Veryaskina1
1Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State University (Minin University), Nizhny Novgorod


The article gives substantiations for the physical education teachers having due communicative competency in the life safety domain. Special emphasis is made on the analysis of content-and-values-, design-and-procedure- and operational-technology-related aspects of the physical education teacher’s communicative competency building process in the life safety domain. It is a communication cycle that was specified as the process basis for the physical education teacher’s communicative competency building process in the life safety domain. The cycle was considered from the viewpoint of the educational process interpreted as a dual procedure of the interpersonal relationship being developed in the communication process. Furthermore, the study analyzes the communication cycle characteristics including the purposefulness, genuine system integrity, dynamism, controllability, iteration and renewability. Subject to special analysis is the structure of the communicative competence of a physical education teacher in the life safety domain that is outlined as a complicated system that combines motivations-and-goals, values-and-standards-, information-and-cognition- and personality-development- driven components. The communication cycles were designed based on the multi-scaling and hierarchical principles. In the process design aspects, the communication cycle is built up based on an iteration scheme and includes the following four key phases that generally show the functional interdependencies in the process: problem-identifying, problem-searching, problem-solution-creating and reflexive phases. The educational toolkit of the communication cycle may be presented as a set of interrelated dialogue-studied situations that refer to different communication models.

Keywords: communicative competency, education process cyclicity, communication cycle.


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Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2016