Multicultural and multiethnic dimensions of special physical culture education (theoretical-methodological aspect)




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2016, pp. 12-13

UDC 796.078

Associate professor, PhD I.V. Ivanii
Academic-scientific institute of physical culture of Sumy State Makarenko Pedagogical University, Ukraine


The problem of dialectical interconnection of multicultural and multiethnic principles in functional dimension of higher special physical culture education is analysed. We are analysing the concept of culturological bases of special physical culture education content complexity, which is based on isomorphic identity of educational and cultural systems and comprises a system of modernisation culturological conditions of its content in the context of familiarisation of future specialist with ethnic, national and world culture. It is shown that multicultural education makes it possible to develop tolerance of future specialist, create conditions that ensure individual free choice of his identity, help in students' socialisation on the basis of person's mastering of the system of national and international values, communication sympathetic skills, which enables us to actualise multicultural interaction and understand other nations. Under the condition of active integrating processes culturological training of future specialists in the sphere of physical culture and sport should be based on universal achievements as well as on ethno national values. Questions of methodology and practice of international communication culture formation, ethno cultural and ethno pedagogical sport traditions of the country and region, psychological and pedagogical theories and models of ethno cultural dimension humanisation should be added to the physical culture content.

Keywords: special physical culture education, multicultural and multiethnic dimensions, culturological paradigm, methodology, complexness of content.


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Received 25.04.2016 г.

Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2016