Priority problems and hypotheses for studies of students' psychomotor abilities in physical education and sports



Professor, Dr.Sc.Psych. V.P. Ozerov
Associate professor, PhD M.V. Katrenko
Applicant G.G. Pavlova
Applicant V.V. Shevyakova
North-Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol

The young people’s psychomotor ability rating and development problems are specific in the sense that they are interdisciplinary that means that a variety of scientific disciplines needs to be integrated for their solution, including psychology, education, physiology, physical education theory and practice etc. On the other hand, the young people’s psychomotor ability development agenda goes through a whole psychological science range of problems. The subject for the study needs to be addressed to facilitate solutions of both theoretical and practical problems coming up in the vocational identification, selection and development process, in educational psychology and human abilities focused psychology, in psycho-diagnostics, physical education, mental conditioning, athletic training etc. Objective of the study was to make an overview of the priority issues and hypotheses for studies of the young peoples’ psychomotor abilities. In our opinion, a key aspect of the psychomotor abilities is the human’s capacity to obtain objective information on the own motor activity to precisely control and effectively manage it. The study of the psychological grounds for the young people’s psychomotor ability rating and development gave us the means to outline and provisionally substantiate a system of hypotheses for further studies of human psychomotor abilities. It should be noted that studies of the ways to improve the efficiency of the human motor activity are of high importance, above all, for educational and competitive psychology and for the new generation’s education and development with an emphasis on the due efficiency of the educational, labour, physical training and competitive processes.

Keywords: psycho-diagnostics, structure, hypothesis, problem, psychomotor ability, school child, university student, athlete.


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