Modular training technology to form practical self-defence skills in female university students
Postgraduate A.V. Yatskovskiy
Professor, Dr.Hab. V.V. Ponomarev
Associate professor, PhD E.N. Konopleva
Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk
Objective of the study was to provide theoretical grounds and develop the structure and content for a modular training technology to help female university students master practical self-defence skills and test the technology efficiency through an educational experiment. Subject to the experiment were the first- and second-year female students of Siberian State Aerospace University, Krasnoyarsk. The experiment was designed to construct and substantiate an elective training course based on the modular training technology to form practical self-defence skills in female university students and develop due programmatic and practical content for the modular training technology. The study made it possible to develop an educational process test system under the modular technology to diagnose and correct the practical self-defence skills in the female university students, the technology including the following modules: physical training, functionality conditioning and the motivation modules. The methodology and practices designed under the study may be successfully applied by the relevant specialists to develop modern technologies and academic curricula for the university students’ applied physical education systems.
Keywords: modular technology, practical self-defence skills, female university students, elective courses.
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