Maneuvering skills developing practices to improve skilled boxers' training systems



Postgraduate F.A. Gatin
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

In modern boxing sport, that has developed a wide variety of the fight control styles presently dominated by the high aggressiveness, growing knockdowns and knockouts due to the increasing punching power and muscular strength rates, speeds and attacking responses to the opponent’s actions, top priority is given to boxing mastery and skills improvement issues. The authors believe the maneuvering skills developing practices offer unrestricted opportunities for the skilled boxers’ progress, with the potential of these practices still being unexplored and unemployed in full. The article considers the benefits of good maneuvering skills in the competitive progress of skilled boxing masters and their role in and potential resources for the technical and tactical fitness. The maneuvering skills developing practices designed and offered by the author have been tested by an educational experiment under the study. The experimental group boxers not only showed much better rated maneuvering skills versus those of the reference group, but also were rated higher by a variety of the physical and technical fitness tests. It is the maneuvering skills that give the means to fully mobilize the individual gifts and resources of a boxer and identify drawbacks in the physical, technical and tactical fitness to correct them and thereby provide necessary grounds for further sport excellence process, with the new practices proved being of special importance in pre-season and regular season.

Keywords: boxing, sport mastery, tactical actions, maneuvering skills, methodology, educational experiment.


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