Athletic training system reform in municipal children and youth sport schools in Moscow Region



Associate professor, PhD E.D. Mitusova
Instructing Coach V.V. Mitusov
Secondary school № 24, Kolomna, Moscow Region

Analysis of the available theoretical and practical reference literature and the valid legal and regulatory provisions showed that presently the national sports are in need of efficient regulatory and procedural provisions to support the transition of the existing Children and Youth Sport Schools (CYSS) system to the Sport School (SS) format. The existing regulatory documents give only the frame points for the Sport School education and training system structure and content at different stages of the training process. Objective of the study was to analyze and identify the SS staffing policies and analyze the 2015/2016 competitive history and accomplishments to make a grounded decision on the proposed transition to the new Sport School format. The study was performed based at the Greco-Roman Wrestling CYSS “Spartak” based in Kolomna city, Moscow region.

Keywords: sport school, comprehensive, pre-professional, sport programs, children and youth sport school.


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